i got the job - they hired me on the spot. i am no longer unemployed. now if i only had my car back so that i can drive to work . . .

training starts monday - hope i'm not too sore after tomorrow (the big day). still a little amazed and nervous at both prospects but very excited. i have to get a...
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i just got my labret done about 4-5 weeks ago, i believe, so i really shouldn't even be changing it yet, but i really want to keep this piercing for a while - i usually get tired of my piercings and take them out then get a new one done wink it's an obsession
i set up my bracelet's in a gallery
things are really up today - i hope it lasts, but i'll take it when i can get it wink i have a job interview tomorrow at the dillard's store for the accessories and handbags department and the strating pay is $8.50 -not too shabby at all! i know i don't have a very good chance of being hired since i haven't worked in such a...
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i wanna see your bracelets and purses! smile

are you a bluelighter? i see that you have tal and nicky listed as friends.
i am a bluelighter - or, er, a greenlighter still, actually. i'm StarGirlie on BL - just joined last week. if you want i can send some pics of my bracelets or i guess i could just post them here . . . smile
i forgot to tell about me being the june issue of SAVAGE tattoo magazine - hits stores 5/31 - they are doing a little article on me - should be pretty lame but check it out anyway - i will keep plugging myself shamelessly as the date gets closer - or maybe i will forget and be pleasently surprised - either way, i'm excited. now...
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i tucked the boyfriend in with a nice hand and foot massage and a long, steamy . . . wouldn't you llike to know!

anyway, am kinda excited tonight since i a) got a re-fill on my xanax and b) got the carpet in this old house professionally cleaned for free so brian and i re-arranged the living room and cleaned everything up and put...
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well, i'm gonna do it. and i'm gonna do it sunday afternoon, in fact. gonna get my cutting done, that is. and i'm sooo excited. i'll be sure to post a pic of it on here when it's done. yay for scarification! so, even though my roommate and my boyfriend trashed my sparkling clean kitchen last night and still haven't cleaned it up, i'm in...
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holy shit, love the tats ...who did em??? eeek
hey troyblank wink

i might *crosses fingers* get my car back next week - will just be paying for it long after it dies for good, but at least it will be wheels

i'm getting a huge eye of horus (that eygptian eye thing) on my ribs right below my bra

and as for the tattoos - roxxy at freaks on broadway did most of them, ben alvarez of the illustrated man in kansas city did my chest piece
well, i've really been looking forward to the upcoming scarification/ flesh removal but am starting to really get frightened. i do have most of my body tattooed and have had almost every piercing possible at one point or another and used to be a cutter but have heard that the pain from scarification is truly intense. in a way this also kind of intrigues me...
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Lonely is the life I've chosen, what is life but to be alone? Even surrounded by the protective bubble of the love of my family and my boyfriend, the sad truth is that I have no friends, no real person that I can pour my heart out to, to confine in, besides Bri. Once again I've managed to push everyone away from me and out...
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YES to scarifications. Hoorah!

I need girlfriends. Yes. We should hang out since you're lonely.
yes. friends. i've almost forgotten what they are. we should hang out for sure.