38 weeks tomorrow and READY TO HAVE A BABY!!!!!!!!!! I guess it will be for sure within the next couple of weeks...just when????

Yesterday...sex, walk, spicy indian food, walk, movie. I 'spose we should have done the sex thing more but dammit its not easy nor is it comfortable at this stage in the game!

My MIL kept Josie all night last night for the...
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Damnit! Where's my niece? This one's going to take her sweet time, isn't she?
Guess I should update for anyone who may care and let you know that I survived my food poisoning/stomach flu whatever the fuck I had that made me SO sick last weekend. The worst I tell ya it was the worst

Then on Tuesday my graceful, pregnant self took a header on some concrete. yes, i tripped over my feet. ilanded mostly on my hand...
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Oy. Out baby! Out!
I remember wanting Hannah out SO BAD. I walked as much as could...everything. I just wanted to be done.
Im glad you didnt do either of you too much damage. I fell off a kerb the other week, I seriously do not know where my co ordination has gone to
i have food poisoning! puke

As if being 36 weeks and HUGE preggo isn't bad enough....food poisoning. I'm trying to stay hydrated for baby's sake. Its not working so well. My midwifes called me in something to stop me from throwing up. SO I have been able to keep a little bit down today. Yesterday was one of the worst days of my life. NEVER have...
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Hey girl! Sorry to hear you have been so sick puke I hope you feel better and deflate soon biggrin . i am working on both days...but Friday night we are doing the birthday dinner thing at Cheesecake Factory in the Winter Park Village. Kid friendly, Kaya will be there and probably another friend with his 1 yr old girl and newborn...interested? If you wanna get out and bring the hubby and Josie you guys are welcome. Let me know!!! kiss kiss
I remember when I was sick with my 2nd daughter. 28 weeks. Puking all day, sent me into labor. It totally sucked. frown
Hope youre doing much better now (considering its like a week later)
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

35 weeks pregnant today. I am so ready for this ride to be OVER! smile Anytime after 37 weeks. I still feel like she'll be early but who knows. Somedays I am so uncomfortable I can't stand it and other days its not so bad. Today is in the middle.

I think we might go visit some neighbors tonight for trick or treat with...
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Happy happy Tofurkey Baby!

I wish I could have seen the J monster tonight is all her spring glory rather than writing a paper. frown Maybe another day... hint hint.

We had a whopping 3 groups tonight! Now I have a ton of candy left. Grrrr......

What'd you end up doing/getting Jon for the big 5-er?
NOT LAZY>>>>PREGNANT!!!! There is a difference you know....you should know you have been pregnant forever!!!! wink So how was your halloween? Ours went great...Kaya was in dinosaur....yes my 3 yr old little girl was a dinosaur. confused Go figure. I swear she is really a boy....kinda like me smile Well I hope you pop soon for your sake. I will try to get some Halloween pics up kiss kiss
i just spent the last 1/2 hour updating about my weekend and it didn't save.

sick baby...AGAIN!!!


my arm is numb. carpal tunnel, I suppose.

mmmmmm....cupcakes!!! You should stop by sometime...this is the official cupcake headquarters for the central Florida area wink Sick babies suck time into an irretrievable vortex. And 2....well....it is a good thing you aren't working. Well I was gonna call you to see if you wanted to meet up at the mall for one of those play dates we keep talking about...but...sick baby...YOU STAY AWAY!!! smile I'll mail you the cupcake wink kiss kiss kiss
<in my best waitstaff singing voice> Happy Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday; It's Your Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday!!! smile

rick ARRR!!!

AKA the birthday stalker smile
Back to the midwife this afternoon. We'll see how it goes.

This baby moves SO much its like a rollercoaster in my belly. I hope she calms down after shes out. Less than 2 months now til my due date.....Hopefully she will be a little early.

getting my hair cut today. then to the midwife. I'm going to Einstein bagels or lunch and *hoping* they...
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About as boring as me wink We are so lame...I got excited over a jalepeno bagel today! I did have a drink that day and went to see the Corpse Bride. I was at the computer and the whole house was asleep...except me....why you ask...because...THE MOMMY NEVER GETS TO SLEEP!!!! You know this. So when are we going to shoot for a mall date? What is up with this Saturday? kiss kiss
IT'S OCTOBER!!!!!!!!!!!!! My FAVORITE month. pumpkins and cool weather and Halloween and I just love it all. Oh yeah...my birthday at the end. Usually we do food and wine festival at Epcot. I ALWAYS go, every year since it started but I think we'll be skipping it this year. I can't really do that much walking, and I can't drink. ALthough I went pregnant 2...
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hey, thanks for the post!

I did want to ask something, do they normally do a spinal or an epidural? I had such a spotty epidural with my daughter and the thought of having surgery with that is terrifing. if they do do epidurals, can I ask for a spinal instead?

THank you so much!

I'm trying not to be nervous..kinda finding other things to think about or occupy my time. I think i'm still in denial a little person is going to be here!
Happy Monday.

Still off all week this week, through Sunday. Not sure if I will have to continue to stay home. It seems as if I REALLY take it easy, like feet up and relaxing and stuff that I feel okay but when I start doing things, even just stuff around the house (not sweeping, vacuuming, laundry.....more like moving boxes and hanging pictures and stuff)...
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i have had so many depressing posts lately.....how 'bout a change of pace....

so apparently, there is yet again on SG a lot of drama....which there always seems to be re: the girls and sets and getting paid, etc., etc. who cares as far as I am concerned.....I mean I would hate to see that the girls are being treated unfairly as that would completely...
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Hmmmm.... I'm not even going to comment on my future niece being a mistake tongue You and Jon are too good of parents to not be able to make it through. I'm sure you were just going through a hormone phase when you wrote that, but you know it will be okay. Sure, it will be hard, but it will be worth it. And don't worry about Josie having to shre things, including the love of her family. We all have more than enough room in our hearts for another one.... and this way Josie has someone to play with, bicker with, boss around, make goofy faces at, and a sister she can teach to be a strong little girl. It'll be okay, no matter how it might seem right now. And you know, if you ever need some down time, you can drop Josie off any time I'm home. When we move, you can drop them both off for a weekend even... I'm sure that will be a long way off, but we're always here to watch the girl(s). And Mr. Andrew certainly has a warm spot for little Miss J.... I know it will be the same with Sadie or whatever her name ends up being. I guess I'm saying there are no mistakes in life and you and Jon are too strong and good to not get through these trials that are to come.

I'm off Friday, you're off Friday... should we lunch at Woodland's or the veg Cuban place downtown? Numminess!
yeah...me too! but I want more than wine wink I hope you are feeling better. I wish I still lived in Orlando so we could hang out and be prego together smile xoxo kiss
So I am out of work for at least 2 weeks. So far my stress level isn't any better. Maybe it will get there. basically I do not want to have this baby, I think it is a huge mistake and there is no way I am capable of taking care of 2 babies, working full time and being a wife and staying sane. I...
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It is important for you to remember that whatever you are feeling during your pregnancy is OK. Ambivilance about the baby is very natural.

It took me my third pregnancy to really understand how to embrace my pregnant feelings, experience them fully and then allow them to pass.

Men can have a hard time with our abundant emotions because they tend to feel a need to fix the problem. We need to help them understand that we just need a listener and then the feelings can work themselves out. I hope that you have someone you can pour out your deepest feelings and fears to.

You know Birthing From Within, right? Even though this is not your first, one of those classes could really help you deal with the fears and build confidence.

We did a mini class with Pam England herself during our third preg and it was very healing. I had A LOT of fear about being able to handle 3 kids. And I also had to greive my 2nd losing his place as baby.

It is hard. But this is your right of passage. You can honor it. You and your family will be okay.

And ditto on what Megz said about giving Josie "one of the best gifts she will ever have." And you know, you ust cant imagine what it will be like after that baby is born, but after a while, you won't be able to imagine life without that new little person you are cookin' up.

wink kiss

PS. there is a new Pregnancy Group. Go join!
hey!!! yeah Im dure march 17th...St Patty's day.....Im not breast feeding so hopefully I can have some green beer!!! Yeah I feel ok...some days good some days bad....we are a lil stressed about the finances w. the 2 nd bebe coming....but everything will be ok. I cant wait to have a martinni and be able to go back on my anti anxiety medication!!!..... All in all we are soooo excited and so is Emma. We have the next sonogram Nov 2nd so hopefully he/she wont be shy. wink !!! Im glad you are feeling better. Im glad I have someone to relate to. xoxo kiss
The stress of my life- specifically my job- is becoming almost physically unbearable. I keep getting put in situations that I should not be and i I can't just leave work stuff at work. I want to go to my midwife today and ask her to find a reason to pull me out of work for a week or 2 but we are SOO short...
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Do what I did, quit. Now I work for myself (with little to show for it). smile
I can only imagine the hormones you are going through. Actually, I don't want to imagine. Congrats on the pregency!!