Humans are fucked.

I can't help but wonder how much longer 'earth' [noun, as per human British English] has to go before it decides to chew us up and spit us out.

I love looking and beautiful girls who have tattoos and are naked, but beyond that this site really needs to re-evaluate it's direction. I mean sure every now and then you'll find a...
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I still have a strip of steel glued to the back of my bottom row of teeth too. I'm not sure when, if ever it was supposed to come off, been there since I was twelve. I agree with your blog. We are definitely all fucked. Atleast you wont be stuck in the us when the shit hits the fan.
So I'm just sitting here being my usual cool self and wondering why the fuck countless braindead beasts of people shower the women on this site with the most ludicrous of statements...

It's not like it's some big fucking surprise that they've found a good looking woman with no clothes on, yet still the praise and awe continues. It's like going up to a tree...
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Lol!!! The best blog i've read tonight! I feel the same way. Well said!