Well, it's been a wonderful weekend. It, of course, got way to cold for the beach immediatly after school let out for spring break. It went from mid to high 80's outside to highs of 55 degrees almost over night.
My cousin, the first non-immediate family to feel like actually visiting me got robbed right in front of my house through a combination of bad...
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My cousin, the first non-immediate family to feel like actually visiting me got robbed right in front of my house through a combination of bad...
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Finals, bleh! I have to write four essays in an hour starting at noon today. Roman art and architecture, love the subject, hate the class. On top of everything else I went to the library this morning for some last minute cram and realized I forgot my ID, so no last minute studying for me.
My cousin is coming down to crash here for the...
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My cousin is coming down to crash here for the...
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Hurray for possibly getting skin cancer!
I wish it would warm up here some. Its been so rainy and snowy the past few weeks I'm starting to get depressed or something because of it.
Anyways I hope your finals and everything went well
I wish it would warm up here some. Its been so rainy and snowy the past few weeks I'm starting to get depressed or something because of it.
Anyways I hope your finals and everything went well
yeah, i think i'll be better with the backingup now. both my friend M and jpuddin on here suggested using a little flash drive that i can keep with me for backup... i'lll need to do that from now on so i don't have the samething all over again a few years down the road like an idjit!
So no tattoo for me right, now. That makes me sad, but we got a new car! Like a new, NEW car this time and not a new to us hunk of junk. We decided at this point we had to buy something that wouldn't break down before it was paid off even if that meant driving one off the lot. This also means that...
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Yeah? Well that's an 'interesting' car so there!
That...uh..that didn't come out as well as I had hoped.
That...uh..that didn't come out as well as I had hoped.
He's a Brussels Griffon. They're funny. They have more personality than most dogs...
Going home for a visit next weekend. My drawing professor is having a big show in Carrolton that I really want to see. It's all huge pastel drawings inspired by kungfu/ wire-fu movies and the ones I've seen are gorgeous. I can't wait! He's absolutely amazing. He has such an instinct for design and color theory. It's amazing really. Not to mention he's so fast....
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Hooray indeed!
So did you ever get your outline done for your tattoo?
The fiancee's car finally crapped out on him. I've been having to take him to work waaay to early in the morning for the last couple of weeks, but it looks like not only is he getting another, but he's got a guy ready to buy his car that will pay cash and is going to buy a truck. We really need a truck around...
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You're a busy little beaver indeed! ( )
Florida is treating me like someone who doesn't live there yet, because his boss won't let him work from down there, even though there's no legitimate reason why I couldn't.
Florida is treating me like someone who doesn't live there yet, because his boss won't let him work from down there, even though there's no legitimate reason why I couldn't.
uh huh And it's really FRIKin cold here too.
I'm hoping to be down there by the end of march. We'll see how it goes I guess.
I'm hoping to be down there by the end of march. We'll see how it goes I guess.
So I woke up this morning to get ready to meet my art history class for a field trip thingy. Washed, got dressed, checked my mail really quick before needing to leave and learned something. They changed the time... last night... to an hour earlier in the day. So much for making that one.
love your pics! x
where've you been, kitten?
Have now quit WoW. My account is officially cancelled and everything. I now have more free time than I know what to do with. I've reread most of the books I own plus bought a couple of true crime things and checked out one on Japanese architecture from the library. I've learned to play rummy and have started dragging the cards out almost every night...
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Well, I guess we'll always have Paris. And by Paris I, of course mean Hotmail...You know what's crazy? That was exactly a year ago (Paris) !!!
Ah those were the days!
I was planning on typing out this whole long thing to vent about my frustrations with local politics and the general stupidity of people, but then I nodded off on the couch again and it's now pretty much time to go to class. It overall comes down to anyone that would split a community up by race is a dumbass and I didn't realize the...
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It's in Hollywood (between Ft. Lauderdale and Miami)
Yep, we'll be practically neighbors! Erm, sorta.
I'm not much a beach sort of guy, but it's only 10-15 minutes away from a funny little beach full of French Canadians (in the winter, anyway). Hairy backs and banana hammocks..hooray!
Yep, we'll be practically neighbors! Erm, sorta.
I'm not much a beach sort of guy, but it's only 10-15 minutes away from a funny little beach full of French Canadians (in the winter, anyway). Hairy backs and banana hammocks..hooray!
oooh new picture! *drool*
Well you'll just have to drive the 9 hours to visit me...and be a few minutes closer to the beach then won't you?!
Well you'll just have to drive the 9 hours to visit me...and be a few minutes closer to the beach then won't you?!
All the holidays are over and it's back to school. Classes are looking good this quarter. My art history professor missed the first class so I have no clue about her, but the subject sounds really interesting so I think I'll like it even if she's horrid. I've got my favorite drawing professor for the third quarter in a row. At the first class he...
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What professor is it. WOnder if its someone i know.
I went to SCAD. What's your major?
I went to SCAD. What's your major?
Totally random profile find.
Glad I did though.
I wish I was back in school, I miss it.
Oh, right, Hello
Glad I did though.
I wish I was back in school, I miss it.
Oh, right, Hello
Christmas came and went. I went home and visited and ate a bit more than I should have. Overall is was nothing special except it was less hectic than normal.
Oh, and I got an awesome new digital camera.
Oh, and I got an awesome new digital camera.
I was going to tell you...as far as good swing sites and groups in GA...have you looked into luxuria yet? They get together all the time in Atlanta. We have some good friends who go all the time and we went with them to the Luxuria New Year's party last year. A long drive for us, but well worth it!
It's a group and I think they meet up atleast once a month. It's a pretty nice group though. I wish we lived closer to Atlanta so we could go regularly.
Started wedding planning today. If this one gets cancelled then that's the end of it and we're going to make a quick stop at the courthouse and then take our money and dump it into a killer honeymoon or something instead. Unfortunantly the place at the top of my list to have has changed policy and is no longer an option since we could now...
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How many times have you planned a wedding before?
Good luck! Love your picture!
Felt like it was time for an update. Nothing much going on though. Just been blissfully hanging around the house with the phone unplugged.
Seeing you wouldn't answer your phone...thought I drop bye to say hello.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Hope you have a great weekend.
blissfully hey? Sounds intersting actually. hmm....
aaaaany who. No I'm not obligated to these people at all. Beyond the standard two weeks. Which if I played it right I could get out of. Basically if I give them an ultimatum, they'll fire me. Bye bye two weeks notice!
Sorry you live in a hot-bed of crime...
But I definately recommend watching The dog whisperer. A totally stupid name for a show about how dog owners create the problems they have with their dogs, and how they can usually be solved fairly quickly.
*shifty eyes*
And if I was looking all dorky or something we will pretend it was my twin that doesn't exsist