What a Night, I was up to 4 in the morning running to the bathroom every 10 minutes do to Food Poisoning. I will leave out the details but it was the second worst case of food poisoning ive ever had(first being the time i was admitted to the Hospital in Flagstaff Arizona).

I still feel kinda shitty, But after my Daily viewing of SG...
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The Weather was Sunny last week when i had to work and now im on Vacation and its raining, You Gotta love Oregon!
I Have Food Poisoning right now and Feel like shit!
I was just thinking how big of a Nerd i am, Im at home on a Saturday night drinking by myself watching a Bootleg copy of "Lord of the Rings", Then I realized its Sunday! Oh Happy Days.
What a Lovely Boring Day, At least its not 98 like yesturday.