I don't know if anyone saw this but if you have watch it once more. If you haven't please watch. I hope it works This the most funniest thing I've seen involving Transformers. Enjoy
Anyways, Emoticons Transform and Unite to form Happyface.
Did Anyone see the new Spiderman movie I hope it doesn't suck like the last Spiderman. The only movie I'm looking forward to...
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Anyways, Emoticons Transform and Unite to form Happyface.
Did Anyone see the new Spiderman movie I hope it doesn't suck like the last Spiderman. The only movie I'm looking forward to...
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Now I Know for a fact that women are bonifide freaks and I will use this new information to my advantage AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Write me something nice.
anyways I'm bored what is everyone up to, LOL that's a first?
Write me something nice.
anyways I'm bored what is everyone up to, LOL that's a first?

I feel better now 

Well kiddos my time is almost up on here . If for some strange reason I'm not on here don't be sad I'll be back again one day so don't cry
. Well anyways I'm going through whole bunch of stuff and I really hope that there's a guardian angle out there cheering me on at my corner in the spiritual realm of life....
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Well kiddos my time is almost up on here . If for some strange reason I'm not on here don't be sad I'll be back again one day so don't cry

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Pic are coming soon............ nothing to see here yet.
MY Space Page Is Under Way, Will Let You Know When It's Complete. Although I'm a bit old but I finally submitted and made one so yeah ..........Later

AHAHAHA, thats made my day!!!
...your'e so bad!
I didn't make it to the mosh pit, too far from the bar darling
...your'e so bad!
I didn't make it to the mosh pit, too far from the bar darling

I need to take you out in London, crowds here are so unenthusiastic sounds like you'd liven it up.
.... and yes you're very cute
.... and yes you're very cute

Nuff Said

This World and The Governments that fester within it are Truly Obsolete.
I'll take you from the back if you're not careful!!

Nah, just an educated guess, turns out I was right though
I used to watch endless Twilight Zone when I had the sci-fi channel, what is the clip? it won't work.
I'm half expecting my set to be rejected the standard is so high now, so it goes.
I shall be having a wild night watching Borat, Saw 3 and the Host (Korean monster film, looks amazing). Is Hot Fuzz out in the US yet, you must see it!

I used to watch endless Twilight Zone when I had the sci-fi channel, what is the clip? it won't work.
I'm half expecting my set to be rejected the standard is so high now, so it goes.
I shall be having a wild night watching Borat, Saw 3 and the Host (Korean monster film, looks amazing). Is Hot Fuzz out in the US yet, you must see it!

slake is fading
so long
making my way
thru the destruction
don't think I will make it
no one seems to care
will things get better
only time will tell
now I'm fading from reality
like a blurr
being alone for all time
is the life I have accepted.
Never ending sorrow
Never ending despair
As the sunsets on this meaningless existence
so long
making my way
thru the destruction
don't think I will make it
no one seems to care
will things get better
only time will tell
now I'm fading from reality
like a blurr
being alone for all time
is the life I have accepted.
Never ending sorrow
Never ending despair
As the sunsets on this meaningless existence

Maybe she is. Who knows.
thank you doll. that's very sweet of you to say.
Akihabara @ Deep Very interesting Japanese Drama about a team of Otaku's living in Akihabara. How fitting because Akihabara is Otaku central in Japan anything technological can be found there and then some.I came across this show when I was at my clique-mates house it was quite interesting . Lots and Lots of Japanese maids with extremely large knockers they even had an entertaining street...
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"Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically-predictable element. The Gun Kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents, while keeping the defender clear of the statistically-traditional trajectories of return fire. By...
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And I though binge drinking was the preserve of the UK, we do, do it well over here, its kind of like a national sport.
You're right about family acting more anoying over Christmas.
Equilibrium is a good film, pretty undetrated I think.
I'm sure the gaming ban won't last, if we get a next gen console it's officially over!
So what went wrong with lady N or did it never really get off the ground?
You're right about family acting more anoying over Christmas.
Equilibrium is a good film, pretty undetrated I think.
I'm sure the gaming ban won't last, if we get a next gen console it's officially over!
So what went wrong with lady N or did it never really get off the ground?
It's Called Resurrection of The Lil Match Girl. It a psychedelic movie that definitely makes you feel like you've been taking psychadelics.

I'll look out for it.
Hope you're good, keep well xx
Hope you're good, keep well xx
Finally Lucky Number 7 is Here.
Happy New Year To All I hope All Your Dreams this Year Come True.
I wish for much luck and and great fortune beyond my wildest expectations this new year.
Good Luck Everyone.
Happy New Year To All I hope All Your Dreams this Year Come True.
I wish for much luck and and great fortune beyond my wildest expectations this new year.
Good Luck Everyone.

Hahaha! Sounds a lot like my NYE. Glad you had fun though. :]