What's been going on?
Well, I've met a girl and we've been seeing each other for about a week now. She seems cool, so we shall see how it goes.
Last week, I helped my friend put his new system in his truck. YAY!!!
Why am I so excited about that, you ask? Because all my speakers and my head unit are finally in... Read More
I'm not leaving the site, just leaving the group. I'll still be around, I'll keep everyone up to date on what I'm doing and give teasers from the stuff I'm putting up on the site.
I just got home from my trip to South Florida. I had a great time.
Saturday, I hung out with my childhood friends. The three of us hadn't been together in one place in thirteen years. Good times.
I didn't feel like crashing on anyone's couch so, I spent last night in a motel room by myself. It felt weird to have a... Read More
I just realized that I have not posted in June at all, so here it is:
Ummmmmmm...................I'm going home this weekend to see some long-time friends. Actually, most of my friends are long-time friends, but the ones I'll be hanging out with this weekend, I've known longer than most of you have been alive (27 years). Yeah, I'm old, SO WHAT!
thank you very much for the encouragement!!
it's much appreciated.
sometimes it seems so hard to grab the world by your hands... seems like things are slipping through your fingers... but maybe i just focus too much on the wrong things...
Hmmmm.. that doesnt mean Im not just a text away.....
The new job is good. Still getting used to things. ... lots of things that I need to learn as well... so, its slow progress. I need to get my shit together there.. once that is done... it will be better.
Sorry the company went under. I suppose it is better to find out now than when you got there, right? So, what are you going to do??? Hope you're having a good weekend!!
Well, it's been a month so I guess I can update now.........
Let's see, I finally quit my part-time job so YAY!!!
Been trying to hang out with my friends more since I'm leaving in a couple of months.
Just spent all weekend helping a friend and his dad move from North Carolina down to South Florida........FUN!
Looking forward to relaxing today..........and drinking beer.
Well kiddies, looks like I'm moving to Colorado at the end of June.
I'm excited to start another chapter in my life, although I will miss my friends and most definately the beach.
But, despite all that, this is a great opportunity and a chance to challenge myself to do something I've never done before, living in a place like I've never lived before.... Read More
for sure, man. i would love to get together and do something, especially some kickballs! my schedule is only gonna get more hectic with school as it gets closer to the end of the year, though. just let me know whats up, and i will do my damndest to make it out.
Things are kind of suckish here atm. Outside of him. Work isnt that great! Not really loving it. You know?