About life,

I've realized today that I've become to comfortable with my situation in life. I've allowed myself to delay my dreams for way to long because i had food in my belly and money in my pocket. The knife slowing twisting in my side was not the knife of the job i had, but of the dreams that where being forsaken and the ambition...
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so what ARE your dreams?

you're birthday's coming up, and hubby's last day at the hospital is tomorrow, let's hang out!
My options, you help me decide

Option A

Pro: Lots of money for a year, come home with car/loan/cards paid in full, attend college paid by G.I. BILL, Get more money added to GI BILL, Complete AA during this time, Set up future business, Return home with 10=20k saved.

Con: Get swinddled into serving for more years, Get Blown up / Shot at / Dead,...
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I say stay in...if you have no solid financial future yet...you know..but hey it's your life brutha. wink
I'd say stay in until you have a plan or two... or three... but hey, if you want to get out now, the company I work for is always hiring - good pay too. haha. biggrin
Someone stop him before he hurts himself.


OMG, ok ya lets open drilling, because that will help lower gas prices... Has he lost his freaking mind? How in the hell is that gonna help? I'm guessing the same people who told him that the weapons of mass destruction where in Iraq, are the same ones who claim drilling off shore will help, and the...
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hahahaa yea i know the news today was saying that drilling all over the california coast would lower prices at the pump by 5 cents a gallon starting years from now because they have to build the fucking oil rigs first and everything

why would he be saying congress needs to allow that?
oh yeah...

cause his whole family has invested all their money in the OIL BUSINESS
doesnt matter if it'll help working people at all, it'll make the oil companies money and make all our beaches look like shit
--- he's still a douche bag
Sometimes i feel bad. Because i hardly ever read anyone elses posts... And i'm sorry. I really appreciate it when people respond to my blogs! So here is to you guys! THANK YOU!!!!

Anywho... I'm thinking my life needs a drastic change. I'm thinking i want to be a Lawyer... So give me some advice/some support/ etc... DO IT! DO IT NOW! thanks..
Like a evil lawyer or a good lawyer? May the force be with you.



I still have fireworks to light off... let's make it an SGSD event!!!
So there is this girl at Borders Book Store.... Ya well i have some attraction towards her. And i'm not really sure how to express this to her. Infact i'm scared to. I don't know what to do! She makes me feel warm inside everything i see her.

The thing about me is, i don't go for the HOT dumb girls. I got for the...
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mission valley borders? there are a lot of smart hotties at the mission valley one tongue
Girl who works at a book store?

Ask her questions. Lots of questions.


ala 40 year old virgin.
Look i can read the future.

Obama selects Clinton as his running mate. Boosting Obama's votes to maxium and wiping out McCain in the general election. Soon after Obama is killed by a assassination attempt from a racist organization that will remain nameless and Clinton will become President anyway.... Some believe she had former President Obama assassinated.

She then pulls out all troops from the...
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So when are we lighting stuff on fire?


This huge box of fireworks from South Carolina isn't going to make pretty colors by itself. And with Mexico out as a destination... I figure strength in numbers, right?

Of course, I have a sneaking suspicion that SD police will be way worse then SF police when it comes to illegal fireworks at the beach bonfires.

hey man kudos on making all that food sorry we couldnt eat all of it
i wish i had some for breakfast right now
Chinese food restaurant place mat said i'm eccentric.

I support that message.
HAHAHAHA. I almost forgot about that. LOL. Sorry bout thatwink
What's shakin' man? Hey...I just read your post in the SDSG section about getting out...awesome! I remember back when I joined the USAF, I never wanted to do it, but I was in a really bad place and fell victim to my poor judgement. Anyway, I did what you mentioned and at least made the correct choice of stating that I would not go in without a job..that I picked! I knew enough to do that...and so I picked what I thought would be a good one, firefighter. I was lucky in that I never went to those TAPS things or anything, but I got enough grief from random people that were around me. One thing that made it better was that I told people when I first met them that I was only gonna be around for four years..I was very vocal about my stance, which annoyed tons of people. The military is full of people that are afraid to "leave home" so to speak and the don't like it when people are braver than them and do what they wish they had the guts to do....get out. I'm out since 2001 and now nobody tells me what to do or how to look and I make about triple the money that I made when I was in...doing the same job. Good luck! It might take a bit to get on your feet..but pretty much everyone in the country can do it...so I'm sure you can too!!!!! I tossed all my uniform shit when I got out too......fun times! smile
So, no more navy for me. I'm getting out and hopefully going to college. Now all i need to do is find a bar tending job and then i'll be set...

Anywho, not sure which college to go to yet, but i better decide soon. I'm not sure when the cut off dates are for the fall, but i bet its like yesterday....ppffft
I'm Thinking of going on a 2 week Alcoholic bender, for the children.
I'm in.
I'm sorry, Robert Byrn, is drunk right now. Please leave a name and message and Robert will get back to you as soon as he sobers up and becomes not hung-over. Also please ignore the stupid stuff he may have posted to you while drunk. It wasn't him it was the Captian speaking....
shit, i dunno

anywhere you can?
World War 3

Who do you think we'll be fighting against? And why?


because someone in the middle east will attack israel and we will get involved and then iran will too and russia will side with iran to prevent us from seizing control over the whole oil region


also i'm the greg that noeth knows, asshat
i'm watching you work eeek