Excuse me for a moment while I wax pedantic.

Why is it that people think it's a compliment to say someone looks beautiful? "Congratulations, you won the genetic lottery/got your money's worth from the plastic surgeon!" Don't get me wrong, my head turns for a pretty face, too - I'm a hypocrite here, I admit it - but physical appearance is about the least important...
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Thank you for your condolances kiss
Wow. Twice in one day.


My sister, who's a good little missionary, has found out that I'm certified now and toying with the idea of moving to New Orleans. She's asked Mom if I think she'd mind if she moved in with me if I do go.

Mind, I love my sister, and think she's a good person. I do. No. Really. Stop that,...
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Anyone in the DFW area who's willing to do free voice work for a machinima flick, drop me a line?

Some days, you feel like taking a torch to your room, y'know? Too much shit you never use, and you don't really feel like lugging it all to the curb. Eh. My fault for being so shallowly materialistic, even if I'm only doing that shallowly,...
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Got my certification results back. Somehow, I passed. Of course, it'll be ANOTHER fucking month before I get the cert in the mail so I can use it at a job.
Have to go to Asheville NC.. little tiny regional airport.. thanks for comenting... and wanting to help
Well, congrats anyway! I finished all my college courses, but have to sit around until next June for my degree. It's silly.
Back from Gencon. Mild awkward moments, but overall, pretty good. May have an industry job coming soon. Wish I could say more, but since the guys I talked to couldn't tell me any such things themselves... well, at least it'll involve computers, if it happens. Wish me luck.

Shaved my head today. It's all smooth and stuff now. biggrin
In about 36 hours, I drive off for Gencon. I have not started packing. I have little cash. I have no idea what I'm doing any given day. I quietly dread the possibility of my ex-bosses trying to con me back into being their stooge, if only because I don't much like having to tell them no again.

OTOH, all the time in the...
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LARP dreams....that's what I get when I've been playing games for too long! Hope you had fun at Gencon smile
And just like that, a nine-month long labor of love goes down the tubes. Plenty of people claimed they wanted to help, but one person aside, this meant that they would give half-assed advice on the few occasions I'd get them to talk at all. There's something terribly painful about losing out on something like this again in two months' time, to what amounts to...
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Did the certification exam Saturday. No idea how well I did, but a goodly portion of the stuff I'd been told would definitely be on it, was not. So much for $3K and hours of studying. No idea if I passed. Nice, long chain of events suddenly snagged by that, since the next exam is in fucking November. For added fun, I don't find...
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Ever have one of those days where you just can't feel for anything? The internship's going well, I'm liking the work and the people, I'm almost done... and yet... I just couldn't bother to go today. It's not counting against me (they've told me to show up when I can, and I do the work hardcore when I'm there, to the point where the manager's...
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