So I done did it: Job apps are out. At least the first few.

Some of them I'm excited about, some of them I am much more ambivalent about (do I really want a career at Fancy Pants Research University - or am I more of a Regional State School and Selectie LIberal Arts guy?). But, in all honestly, I knows I have to get...
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Yeah, I have enjoyed my time in Bozeman far more than the majority of cities and towns I've visited in MT. I liked Red Lodge, but that place is fucking tiny and I don't ski so there's not much of a draw besides the Beartooth Nature Center.

My wife actually found a job at MSU she thought was well-suited to my skill set. It's basically a head janitorial/groundskeeper position with a fancy title (Environmental Director or some such). The idea of me, a high school dropout, working in any capacity at a university is pretty entertaining.
Well of course our way of perceiving the world is more valid! We've got STATISTICS and RESEARCH METHODS. wink
Random things:

1. School starts tomorrow. Oof.

2. I feel like my running off/sit ups/better snacking habits are paying off just a little. Nice. I'm not particularly obsessive about working out or anything (though I do feel guilty about NOT doing it sometimes, which annoys me). But I woud like to be a bit fitter. I feel like we're getting there.

3. Man, growing up...
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Weird, huh? It's like living life can lead you to learn things about it...
Ohhhh realllyyyy? What did you study there? What's your opinion of the economics department? I'm not crazy about what little I know about Chicago school economics, but like you said, it's a damn good school. Their economics department is supposed to be the best in the country, and Chicago seems like it would be a really fun place to live. I didn't get near the UChicago campus while I was there. Is it safe and/or affordable to live near the school? What kind of problems did you have with the school? I've heard that it's a lot easier (academically) to get into UChicago than to get out. Does that sound like an accurate description? I probably have more questions, but that's probably enough for now.
Can I gush for you guys?

The Devil's Alphabet by Daryl Gregory is great. It's ostensibly a body horror/science fiction novel, but with strong elements of Southern Gothic and mystery thriller tossed in. Plus, it has a plot that just doesn't stop, and wonderfully flawed - but believable characters.

I'm not done with the book yet, so I guess it could go pear shaped from...
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Well, these days it's been more pretty pictures of pretty naked girls, so that's not such a bad trade off.

Duly noted on the book.
I'll have to check out Devil's Alphabet. I'm always looking for new books/authors.
I actively dislike the apartment where my wife is living.

It is *filled* with creepers. I am going to sound like a classist prick here, but you know: those vaguely weird and dirty people who are always just *around.* Yeah.

Her apartment building is the kind of place where when you're walking up the front steps, there is someone sitting on the steps in the...
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Yes, every visit I have there is punctuated by my need to eventually leave.
It's settled, a different area further from the beach closer to downtown some Hot Puerto Rican chicks walking around scantily clad. love biggrin
Looking for cell phone advice:

I have recently changed cell phone carriers. Before this, I had Sprint. I actually had Sprint for YEARS, and never had a problem with it. We moved to Montana, and it turns out - there are no Sprint carriers out here. We had a year on the contract, so we kept the service - and got really solid reception. Sprint...
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It's a tough burden for me to bear...

I've heard that, in general, Verizon is an ass-blower. Then again, most people complain about their carrier no matter what it is.

now I've left you an inordinately long post. And on beef. So there's that.

And I'm vegetarian! wink tongue

Hey, it's Sunday!

This weekend, we spent the weekend at home - just being. It was good. We also finished up Season 4 of The Wire. Season 4 is probably, as a whole, not as strong as the first three. You can tell seasons 1-3 tell a pretty cohesive story (and the end of three could probably be the END of the show; it...
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I really need to watch that fucking series.

The wife and I watched the first season of True Blood, when pretty much no one really gave a shit, then had to stop due to losing HBO. Now everyone watches and loves it. mad
Today: an experiment.

I am going to smoke a brisket. We'll see what sort of monstrosity rises from the ashes.
Pipe, joint, or hookah?
Thanks for the testimonial! smile

How did the brisket turn out?
That's right: I fixed my shower.

On a less successful note, I have dropped an orange seed on my carpet - and since the two objects are roughly the same color, I am unable to locate it. Gross.
Take that, plumber's crack!

Just walk around barefoot a lot. You'll find it eventually. Or wait for the tree to grow. Then you'll know where it is, more or less.
Nice work. The seed didn't stand a chance.

And you flatter me. blush

Today is the anniversary. The wife is showering before dinner. We climbed a mountain (a small one, but you know). We'll watch some Doctor Who. We'll eat, and watch The Wire later. A nice day.

My tomato plant has even more tomatoes. Yessss........ I master the plant world!

My advisor emailed me, asking about an article we're working on. He also, flat out, asked:...
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OMG, youre asking for another looooong comment for me to talk about the ways my parents aggravate the crap out of me! The basic problem is that they cant take ANYTHING in stride. EVERYTHING is a Big Fucking Deal and major stressor. And EVERYTHING must be micro-managed.

Heres an example: Once when I was visiting, I wanted to run up to the Target for a quick errand. No big deal, right? Just get in the car and go. Oh no. The parents were stressed b/c it was so close to rush hour. OMG, I might have to deal with rush hour traffic, the horrors!! eeek Then they tried to figure out the best route for me to get there (its maybe 10 min away on the main street that goes by my parents neighborhood). My dad actually got a map out to show me the various routes. Then there was the discussion of which car I should take. Oh no, one of them might need gas! Whatever will I do?!?! eeek And of course this led to a discussion of the merits of various gas stations along the different routes. Seriously, I could have run my errand and come back by the time everything was micro-managed. I dont know how my parents can stand to live this way, but I guess they cant help it. Thank god I turned out only moderately neurotic! I have no idea how.
Do it if it's what you want, but you say you don't think you'd like Big Fancy Pants school. So why would you even apply there? So you can say you did? To make an honest go of it and see if you change your mind?

And thanks smile
Should I pick up a few new graphic novels or not? Once I start, I find it hard to stop. But lately, I'm missing the medium...

Yes you should.

Have you read Walking Dead?
I second Walking Dead.
Man, I am an old grouch:

I really hate mass mails. I hate when someone sends out some semi-interesting announcement over e-mail, and then everyone with a peripherally related issue continues to respond to that message. Sometimes it's good news, sometimes not - either way, guess who doesn't want to read it?

(Yes, this is really pissy. Another mail in my box is essentially costless...
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After being told countless times to listen to Sleigh Bells, I finally clicked on your link.

Loooong comment . . .

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I dont love home ownership, and Im really not sure if Id do it again. But a caveat is that I never had a huge burning desire to own a house in the first place, so I might not be the best person to ask.

Heres what I like: more privacy, not as much turnover in your neighbors, and being able to make a place truly your own (although that one isnt particularly important to me). The townhouse I lived in before didnt have a lot of turnover, though.

What I dont like:
(1) Even with a decent down payment, my house payments are more than any rental Id want. And your house payments go up with taxes. My landlords in the past never raised my rent (over 8 years!) or raised it a tiny amount maybe once. In the 11 months Ive lived here, my house payment has gone up $200/month. Thats a lot of money!
(2) I have sunk more $$ into this house than I ever imagined. Ive had plumbing, electrical, yard-related, and heating AND cooling problems. My friends with newer houses dont seem immune from this either.
(3) Its a HUGE pain in the ass to find good electricians, plumbers, heating/cooling guys etc, whereas my landlords already had people they liked who could do the job
(4) Ive sunk more TIME into this house that I imagined. Even if you do find good repairmen, you have to be home to meet them for the estimate AND their actual work. Ive missed a ton of work (see #2 above). Your landlord and his/her repairmen can go into your place while youre at work.
(5) Not only is it a pain to find good repairmen, you can end up waiting FOREVER for the work to be done if theres been some serious act of nature (e.g. bad storm causing all kinds of problems), and everyone in town needs a repairman NOW. Your landlord has relationships with repairmen, and the repairmen will go to the landlord-owners first because they bring them a lot of business, unlike a single house owner that may or may not ever call them again.

Oh, and a house is not a good investment any more, Ive been told. And that you want to live in your house 5 years for it to be worth it.

Im not ready to up and sell my house, but owning it has been a bit of a pain in the ass.

Lately, I'm liking this:

And this:

Maybe. It never hurts to ask, though.wink
Thanks! Once I have more info I'll give an update in my blog