Minor job update: Last week Livable Regional State School e-mailed to see if I was still available. I, of course, quickly emailed back to confirm that I was. Then, I got an email back that basically said "We like you, but we have a strong pool, you'll here back soon." So I'm cautiously optimistic.
I'm especially excited because Livable Regional State School actually had a...
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I'm especially excited because Livable Regional State School actually had a...
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Seriously, is it named after a person or what?
Of course!
Holy hell: Hyde Park now has a comic book store.
We've been coming up with some pretty good captions on facebook for it.

well, I was pretty much resolved to quit at the end of my current sub (late June). I have a group to run till then, so I don't want to just go anon.
Christmas was good. We had a bitch of a time getting out. We rented a car to head home on the 23rd, and the snow kept us in. But we got off early the 24th, and I had a really nice visit. Saw the family, the friends, ate a lot. In fact, I'm still eating a lot: my mother-in-law always sends us home with a...
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It was a pretty basic idea and one I'm surprised more people haven't attempted. She wasn't sure if she saw it somewhere or dreamt about it. She made stuffing mix (from scratch) and put a bunch of it in a cupcake/muffin tin. Then she baked it up. We all nervously took our first bites, not knowing if this would work or not. It did. One of the best part of stuffing (for me) is the crispy part. These were crispy all the way around.
They were even better a few days later. Sometimes it's the simple stuff that works so well.
Now, as far as getting the recipe for her stuffing...good luck.
Is scalloped corn like scalloped potatoes?
It was a pretty basic idea and one I'm surprised more people haven't attempted. She wasn't sure if she saw it somewhere or dreamt about it. She made stuffing mix (from scratch) and put a bunch of it in a cupcake/muffin tin. Then she baked it up. We all nervously took our first bites, not knowing if this would work or not. It did. One of the best part of stuffing (for me) is the crispy part. These were crispy all the way around.
They were even better a few days later. Sometimes it's the simple stuff that works so well.
Now, as far as getting the recipe for her stuffing...good luck.

Is scalloped corn like scalloped potatoes?
Yep, I'm usually pretty action oriented in my coping efforts. It does help.
Happy New Year!!
I hope 2009 holds all kinds of good things for you!
Happy New Year!!

So, I'm off to holiday soon.
Whatever it is you're getting up to the next week or so, have a good one and be with the folks you love. Eat too much sugar. You know. And be safe.
Happy Holidays, peace on earth, etc etc etc.
Whatever it is you're getting up to the next week or so, have a good one and be with the folks you love. Eat too much sugar. You know. And be safe.
Happy Holidays, peace on earth, etc etc etc.

And to you, bud. And to you.
Happy (somewhat belated) Holidays! 

I've had it up to here with self-pity. So let's get rid of that old post.
My wife has put my Christmas present under the tree. It's big and heavy. I have some ideas about what it might be, but she's mum on hints. This is because one year I guessed my present and tricked her into telling me what it was. So now she's...
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My wife has put my Christmas present under the tree. It's big and heavy. I have some ideas about what it might be, but she's mum on hints. This is because one year I guessed my present and tricked her into telling me what it was. So now she's...
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ugh! i'm a horrible christmas snoopaholic. have been since i was little and would re-tape my gifts.
i'm trying to be a good girl this year, though. TRYING.
i'm trying to be a good girl this year, though. TRYING.
If your wife was smart, she put something lightweight in there with a bunch of heavy rocks or bricks.
Re: your previous journal entry . . . It's such a bad time to be looking for a job right now. Really sucks, I feel for you. And institutions are often sooooo bad about interviewing etiquette. When I was a post-doc, I applied to my former grad school when they advertised a position. They didn't even interview me, and what's worse, they never even gave me a courtesy phone call or email to say something like "thanks for applying but you're not quite what we're looking for right now." I mean hellllooooo, I was one of their best students. My research won this huge award for them, they have the plaque with my name on it hanging in the conference room. But I wasn't worth a courtesy phone call or email?? So bizarre.
I think it's an EXCELLENT idea to have a Plan B such as yours. Who knows, you might like the "real world" better. You'll likely get paid better.
I always recommend post-docs these days, too. They just make you so much more competitive if you do want to stay in academia. Moving somewhere for a year or two does suck, but it opens up so many more possibilities for faculty jobs. Just food for thought. Hang in there. Something will work out, probably better than you could have guessed. 

Re: your previous journal entry . . . It's such a bad time to be looking for a job right now. Really sucks, I feel for you. And institutions are often sooooo bad about interviewing etiquette. When I was a post-doc, I applied to my former grad school when they advertised a position. They didn't even interview me, and what's worse, they never even gave me a courtesy phone call or email to say something like "thanks for applying but you're not quite what we're looking for right now." I mean hellllooooo, I was one of their best students. My research won this huge award for them, they have the plaque with my name on it hanging in the conference room. But I wasn't worth a courtesy phone call or email?? So bizarre.
I think it's an EXCELLENT idea to have a Plan B such as yours. Who knows, you might like the "real world" better. You'll likely get paid better.

So, things here are *bit less* cheery than they were for my last update. It seems that Cute Liberal Arts College did *not* want to give me a job. What makes this burn so bad, beyond how badly I wanted, was how I found out. One day, I was bored and cruised over to Cute Liberal Arts College's website, and there was a letter from...
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We're hosting this year. My parents, brother and his girlfriend, cousin. Her sister and old college friends with their parent(s). 13 people in all for Christmas dinner when you include the infant two of the college friends just had. In our 850+ square foot apartment. Good times.
You obviously have a lot of thoughts on this subject, and it's very prevalent to you right now. It is a terrible time to be looking for a job in any market, so I wish you the best on both fronts. Be prepared to hear a lot of "You're overqualified" if you delve deeply into the world of "real jobs." Especially if you go for shift manager at a Barnes & Noble.
You obviously have a lot of thoughts on this subject, and it's very prevalent to you right now. It is a terrible time to be looking for a job in any market, so I wish you the best on both fronts. Be prepared to hear a lot of "You're overqualified" if you delve deeply into the world of "real jobs." Especially if you go for shift manager at a Barnes & Noble.

Our educational system has been steering intelligent people in a direction that is only going to lead them to disappointment for years and years now. I have always thought that the system of values in higher education is encouraging people to keep moving forward in academia and they end up over-educated and under-experienced for a position that is outside of the academic world; not that they could not do it mind you, but that they just don;t have the experience to compete with the less educated who have the experience.
My gal has a masters and is working in what is mostly a administrative position at UofC.
My gal has a masters and is working in what is mostly a administrative position at UofC.
It's officially Christmas at my house! On Friday, we did the tree and other assorted household holiday goodies. It's super fun. We also made cookies and cream ice cream. Why not?
End of term is close, and I like it. I'm finally getting somewhere on my editing, and on Thursday: vacation begins. We have glorious plans of laziness and fun for the weekend. Once vacation...
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End of term is close, and I like it. I'm finally getting somewhere on my editing, and on Thursday: vacation begins. We have glorious plans of laziness and fun for the weekend. Once vacation...
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Sounds like fun times for the holidays. I have an ex and my husband has an ex so between the two of us there are eight thousand people to see. I'm not joking, either. My hubby is number 13 of 14 children.
I've got my holiday stuff up and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. By New Years Eve I'll be done with all the clutter though and ready to go back.
Have a great week!
I've got my holiday stuff up and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. By New Years Eve I'll be done with all the clutter though and ready to go back.

Have a great week!
hm. I forget whether I've read Absolution Gap... somehow Reynolds' books all seem the same
Though, to be fair, I couldn't say that of Century Rain.

Though, to be fair, I couldn't say that of Century Rain.
Two things:
First, the less good thing. Fancy Pants University did not want to give me a job. In fact, they decided to give *no one* a job. Apparently, there was no consensus on one candidate ... and so they're just not hiring at the junior level this year. So it goes.
I'm still waiting on Cute Liberal Arts College. But as the days go...
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First, the less good thing. Fancy Pants University did not want to give me a job. In fact, they decided to give *no one* a job. Apparently, there was no consensus on one candidate ... and so they're just not hiring at the junior level this year. So it goes.
I'm still waiting on Cute Liberal Arts College. But as the days go...
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Yeah! I've hit a rough patch here where some stuff fell through, and I've been pretty depressed about it. It's hard not to get my hopes up, too. And the proposal is so damn cool. I really want to do it.
I wish you well on your searches, too.
I wish you well on your searches, too.
Turkey Day was survived. Heck. It was more than survived, it was down right *relished.* We had a lovely little jaunt home. One of the best parts was that, over the summer, my wife won a free night at a local hotel back home. So we cashed that in on the Friday after Thanksgiving. We got some dinner, saw a movie, did a little shopping,...
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you'll find a good spot. just be open to it when you go. happy holidays.
Oohhh, I do love the hot hotel sex!
And you're having trouble with the cold b/c you're getting OLD!
At least, that's what I've noticed: I have more trouble with cold as I get older, and I actually LIKE winter and being outside in the cold, so I know I'm no wimp. 

So, I lied and I *do* have a bit of a quiet moment this Sunday morning.
Honestly, not much is going on here. I had my interviews, and they seemed to go really well. But, I'm a poor judge of that and divining how academic decisions are going to turn out is really damn hard. So, now I sit and wait. I've been lucky to...
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Honestly, not much is going on here. I had my interviews, and they seemed to go really well. But, I'm a poor judge of that and divining how academic decisions are going to turn out is really damn hard. So, now I sit and wait. I've been lucky to...
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Who knows? One is never really done with a full color sleeve. But soon I hope.
Who knows? One is never really done with a full color sleeve. But soon I hope.
Hope things are well with you.

I'm gonna be scarce for a while folks: interviews the next two weeks and a family visit inbetween. Then, decompression. I may not show my face until after Thanksgiving!
So, be good out there.

So, be good out there.

So far its the first thing that has really sparked passion from me, so yes. I'm a member of the Public Interest Group, and they have all these seminars/round-tables, and this was the best (albeit depressing) one so far.
I never really put a ton of thought into it but you are SO right!
In my entire history of computer use 99.9% of the tearing the hair out make you want to kill problems I have had where with printers. Every other accessory out there generally works just fine right out of the box, and keeps on working, but never printers.
In my entire history of computer use 99.9% of the tearing the hair out make you want to kill problems I have had where with printers. Every other accessory out there generally works just fine right out of the box, and keeps on working, but never printers.
So, I know I've shared this sentiment before, but srsly: I'd be lost without my wife. This whole "hey let's look for a job thing" is totally bonkers. It's stressful and worrisome. And she's fantastically patient and supportive through the whole process.
One of my favorite things about her is her *laugh.* It's not amazingly beautiful thing. But she just gives herself over to it,...
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One of my favorite things about her is her *laugh.* It's not amazingly beautiful thing. But she just gives herself over to it,...
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Yeah, I can hear bean screaming in agony at the thought right now.

It's weird. I went to a seminar about it and the lawyers in the states and grad students who had worked in Liberia had totally different takes on its effectiveness. Mostly the diaspora communities were the ones that like it. Some wanted to tell stories that were over 20 years old. Some, like you said, just want to forget, and some are suspicious of the whole project because it originated with the Liberian government (of which some were people who committed the atrocities--see Johnson). And within Liberia most people just want to get on with bringing in food and jobs. They're just looking for life's basic necessities and they think the TRC is a waste of time and money.
It's interesting to say the least, but what I'm interested in is the implications in has on one's immigration status when they work with these types of groups. Anyway... yeah.
It's interesting to say the least, but what I'm interested in is the implications in has on one's immigration status when they work with these types of groups. Anyway... yeah.