@rhody was sexy enough to inform me that I made the front page. I haven't had that happen since I posted that ridiculous birthday blog to myself, on the old site. I consider it to be quite an honor that SG thought my ramblings were coherent enough to be featured alongside the thoughts and images, of much prettier people. And will use this honor as...
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Have you ever been able to follow a celebrity on Facebook or Twitter or some other social media? Only to regret that you did, soon after? That was my recent experience with following porn stars on Instagram. Now, aside from the obvious motivations for wanting to follow adult entertainers, I honestly thought it might be cool to have a daily glimpse into the lives of...
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I can't find that all-important little blue card, anywhere! I've had it in the same exact place for months. And I never touched it. And of course, when I need it to complete a job application, it grows legs, and disappears. I REALLY don't want to have to get a new card. Knowing that it has to be in the house, somewhere. And the minute...
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I've missed every bill I've had for this month. And, it looks like I'll be missing my Verizon bill (again). Since the bill is due tomorrow. And I don't get paid again, until Friday. How does a guy with FOUR jobs, still end up with too much month, at the end of his money? What kind of evil sorcery is that? :S
So, I'm pretty sure now that Capricorn is the most hated on sign, in the cosmos. I click on a link Cap hatred pt.132 showing the 12 signs, drawn as "terrifying" monsters. Fully expecting to see the GOAT remade as an awesome agent of order and conquest. But what do I find, instead? This
Wtf is that? A mutated shrimp, with boobs? I defy anyone
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