I'm going to marry me a SuicideGirl when I grow up.

kiss kiss kiss
Then we have a common goal indeedy
hello darlings

to day is no a good day. hungover... I think my evil twin tockover a wile and she drinks so mucth. lots of tequila beer and hot people. a night to remeber.

the day befor me and my male frind whent to see casino royal the new bond movie. its sooo good one of the best bond movies ever. and Daniel Craig and...
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Ah I have a twin just like that, he's unfortunately a bit of a knob but I love him hahhahahah

I watched casino royale yesterday and yeah it was so good. Glad you liked it aswell.

Are you still at home or are you back to school. I might be going to sweden for new years as I work with someone from sweden and im thinking it might be cool. I'll either be going to Lund or crossing the border for copenhagen. So whats good to do there. And no danish joke I know theres a bit of rivalry. At least it will give me a chance to practice the few swedish phrases I know
hello darligs

so I have been hom viseting the family and It was funn but it fellt weerd. It was like walking arund in a dreem nothing fellt real like i was detatcst floting around in this deem world of a life that wasent mine and I could feel all that i feelt befor i moved away. It was as tou all that confidens I...
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I'm back with nothing mucth to say. I finisht my exams and now we party....yaya
I'm going home next weekend to wisit la familja. my littel brother turns 18. He so has now ide whats his in for.
thisnking abou caling som oldis up and hanging out. I cant belive its been allmost 3 months with my new life. I cant belive I dident miss...
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This is me in a wery risent feutur http://www.datestar.se/star.php?id=521180 my wery one me.

Iwould beee sooooo HOT kiss
You look awsome in your little internet wee person!!!!!!
When I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.

He said, "Son when you grow up,
would you be the saviour of the broken, the beaten and the damned?"
He said "Will you defeat them,
your demons, and all the non believers, the plans that they have made?"
Because one day I'll leave you,
A phantom...
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i lovethat song.....

its so cheery

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
hello praty people and you others fro that mather to.

I have had a lot of fun the past time. lots of partys and new peopel to meet.
and lots of studeiyng. I still suffer from home siknes ones in a wile but its oki.
I have to bye some new clotdes and fix up my old ones. any way her are som photos from...
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everyone loves a party!!! where are you studying then? oh, and what are you studying??

biggrin kiss
cool , so are you far from home then? i stayed at home when i went to university, was too poor to move out biggrin biggrin biggrin
hey babes

I'm sitting im my smal ass apartment cofing snesing and hungover (I'm guessing nothing fun ever comes with a pris) any way I'm homsick and missing my frinds but at the same time I'm having a balst every thing is so fun and new and I cant whait fore snow to come so I can snowborde.

I wroth som poetry in my lonllyness...
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Jag saknar dig ocks.. :'(
I helgen s ville jag g ut, tnkte p en gng p dig. kiss

jag r lite arg fr att fitt-sg inte godknde mitt set...
det va verkligen mycket snyggare n mnga andras skabb hr..
Brjar trttna hr, r inte inne fr att kolla p bilder lngre..
GRUFF!! mad
n ass, jag fick ett sntdrnt standardmail. det stod typ, att jag skulle prova en annan bakgrund shit.
men nu har jag kommit p vrldens bsta id, som kommer vara s jvla st bra biggrin biggrin
ska fota den om 2 helger, vill inte att nn ska hinna sno min id innan jag har hunnit, s ajg kan sga sen, eller p telefon. smile

ska du ska om eller??
finns det nn i ume som kan fota dig ???
hey babes

This week has been so hektic I have had time to party every nigth study math during the day and fall in and out of love. I wish time would go by faster but I what every thing to slow down. Nothing makes senns any more every this is mest up I thagh I knew how i was but I really have no...
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Very nice, the pic with the sunglasses make you look like a roadside cop.
From the what you are saying I think you are havin a great time! biggrin
hahaha, a "roadside cop" XD
that's sooo true!
Hi babes

I'm in Lule now and Its fucking fabulus. I have allot of new frinds adn life is grate.
I miss my babes tho I mean its kind of lonley but its fun. And soon scholle will start.
To night we party like theirs no tomorow and tomoro we wish their was no yesterday.

any was...Miss you pussycattycat. and all you other asholes that...
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Nice sentiments thats they way You should field. Hope you have a great night and get absolutely pissed! biggrin
h va kul!!! ^^
nr brjar nollningen???