i'm kinda stressed about school. this is the last month of the semester so all my papers and finals and my final portfolio are due. sometimes i get real sad when i think about it cause it just seems like too much to do. and i worry that i wont be able to take it. but i'm trucking along, a little at a time.
oh my. so i went to the gay boys club on saturday with a bunch of new gay boy friends. two of them ended up getting in a fight (a couple) and we're talking smacks and pushing and all that. and then we got kicked out. i totally hate violence and it really sucked.
but other than that my weekend was fantastic. how was everyone... Read More
i also hate violence. i always find it rather amusing when i manage to get kicked out of a club, though. my boyfriend's band's first show in baltimore, i got kicked out because i'm a loud mouth drunk with an attitude. haha.
That puts you in a really awkward position. I'm the same way, very anti-violence and would have felt weird in that situation.
My weekend was, well, kind of melancholy. I visited a friend in Pittsburgh and it went weird. Also it's that time of the month and I've been all kinds of moody due to that and other things.
What psych medications are you on? I know that some meds can raise your cholesterol... I have a pretty healthy vegetarian diet and once I had slightly high cholesterol, which seemed all wrong... then I later learned it can be caused by some of my meds.
Yay for side effects that aren't common enough to be mentioned by your doctor! Ugh, sometimes you seriously have to read the fine print.
Don't get yourself down about it.... high cholesterol at a young age isn't that big a deal and can be pretty easily corrected.
What makes people's cholesterol get high in general?
I know eggs can.
What kind of cholesterol? I know there are some kinds that are more dangerous than others. It might not be as big of a deal as it sounds.
I don't really know much about cholesterol, being a vegetarian my diet doesn't include much at all.
i went back to massachusetts for the weekend. it was so fun! i got to spend time with old friends who i love very much! saturday we went on a hike and there was still a bunch of snow on the ground! we made a fire though and just sat out in the woods and listened to the quiet. it was beautiful.
you were in a dream of mine.
Wherever we were was slowly flooding and we were trying to escape. and combine our supplies, including canned peaches.. It was an epic adventure. Drew was in it, too.
I woke up all discombobulated.
so i went on a dinner date last night before the party. the girl is cute and she's smart and i love that. but we don't seem to share many of the same values. it's not that we're so different- just that we're not so much the same. does that make sense? she left the party early cause she was tired. i drove her home.... Read More
my doctor wants me to go down on my medication because i've been falling asleep while driving to work recently. i'm scared to take a lower dose. i'm scared about the stress that's already in my life. i'm scared about the grades i'm getting in one of my classes no matter how hard i try. i'm scared of my lack of motivation to exercise, eat... Read More