I notice certain SG blogs have the ladies grappling with science.

If only they could grapple in a more...*concrete* way. In mud.
Haha. You are so right, dude.
Not to use "jump the shark" as a synonym for "leap to conclusions." That is the law. Are we not men?
"Mabye art is a perversion or maybe it just hates things like marriages. Maybe marriages are a perversion, like business suits. How the fuck should I know?"

-- Paul, Notes from the Upper West Side, Chapter 34
"Right at that second I realized she was Dominican. Not that theres anything wrong with Dominicans. I just, well, in the club I thought she was a Brooklyn-variety black chick."

-- Paul, Notes from the Upper West Side, Chapter 33
Three young girls stopped me on the street in hell's kitchen and asked me if I was famous. And I thought...I have 757 followers on twitter.
I recently had a long conversation with your lord and savior.

Yes, that one.

He told me that, now that I've come over to His side, He'd like me to know just how pissed off he is at SuicideGirls. And not just SuicideGirls, but GirlSuicides, SumoGirls, and a stripper He singled out who goes by the name Sue Girlyside.

In fact, pretty much disassociate yourself...
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Brad Pitt says life with Jennifer Aniston was boring.

And I thought life with one of her fans was boring.
It's funny to watch little girls arguing over who is a real geek and who is just a poser geek.