If cave men had social media they would tweet:
"Kill bear. Bring heart. Eat with fist."
Then later they would DM:
"Penis large now."
There's just something repulsive about them.
I can't live in a society that requires women to wear burqas. Yes. human rights, etc., but I also need to see tits when I walk down the street.
Big wet dripping lips
I'll complain about the coarsening of the culture when anal sex takes out negative ads against oral sex.
Often I will hear this question from an audience of young ladies: Sir, if my breasts are augmented, does that mean I will have three breasts, four, or even more?
And the answer is: No. In an instance of breast augmentation, it is almost never necessary to increase the number of breasts beyond the traditional two.
@Vanp has wrecked the ph balance in my libido. See her set
Boys. You boys out there. These are the rules. If your English teacher gives you a blowjob after school someday, you:
1) Do not tell your parents
2) Do not tell the police
3) Do not tell your friends
Is that so hard?