So my doctor basically confirmed that I'm a old man, in addition to the Diabetes meds I now have to take Lisinopril for My shockingly bad Blood pressure. I wonder what kind of side effects could I wind up with, taking Lisinopril.
Call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects:
severe stomach... Read More
So my doctor basically confirmed that I'm a old man, in addition to the Diabetes meds I now have to take Lisinopril for My shockingly bad Blood pressure. I wonder what kind of side effects could I wind up with, taking Lisinopril.
Call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects:
severe stomach... Read More
So Yesterday I turned 32.
It has always been a pain in the ass to have a birthday in the middle of February, Its too cold to do anything for the most part. Who in their right mind would want to go out to a bar or a restaurant when its 14 degrees out? This works out for the diet of course.
So I had to come up with a quick healthy meal so that I didn't have to throw away the country style ribs that were sitting in my fridge. I had taken them out of the freezer to defrost in the fridge Monday night and forgot about them.
So here is what I got, I'm gonna have it tomorrow for lunch.
i just wanted to let you know that you're supposed to use all of your daily points if you're on weight watchers. that is why you do that little equation when you first join so it can tell you how much you're supposed to eat each day. the point is to not lose weight too quickly. it's not a horrible thing to have a couple points leftover, but don't aim for it i guess. i did weight watchers for a while and i became obsessive about having at least one point left at the end of the day. one time i mentioned it at a meeting and the lady was like "oh no get all your points - you can start lowering your daily points allowance once you've lost 10 lbs."
congrats on taking charge! this blog is a great idea. you should post a link on here every time you do an entry so we can keep up with ya
Quick recap, I am diabetic. I found out about a month ago and have been struggling to maintain a reasonable blood sugar level since. Not so easy.
My blood is like a teen sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night to party with sugar. After dinner my levels are hovering around 180 which is... Read More
Type II sucks. I had some trouble with it a few years ago. Now I'm off my meds and have it completely diet controlled. I don't know if it will work for you but what I did was tried to find what would set my glucose sailing. I would eat SMALL amounts of foods with sugar and see the postprandial affect and also see if it affected my fasting. Seemed to be that high fructose corn syrup and bleached flours is really what did me in. Look at labels, HFCS is in EVERYTHING that's processed. I could eat a processed item with only 3 grams of sugar from HFCS and my sugar would soar. I could eat 3 grams of sugar from fructose or raw sugar cane sugar and barely see a jump. Those fast metabolizing carbs really do me in.
Do some research on the different types of sugars and their metabolic rate. Then learn to find them on food labels.
Sorry if this sounds all lecture-y. I hope you get it under control.
It would appear that my inability to remain conscious a few weeks back was a "Hypoglycemic Episode" my Blood sugar got to low so basically Fat guy Don't eat = Fat guy passes out. So that shouldn't happen so I went and took advantage of my newly aquired Health Insurance and went to get... Read More
A week ago today I passed out in my future mother-in-law's kitchen and nearly had a seizure.
Tomorrow I have my first Doctors appointment since 2004, I am hoping my "event" last week is something as simple as the exhaustion of travel on top of... lets say, pneumonia. Then again It could be a brain tumor or something... Read More
Hope you get it sorted!