Had my first backseat passenger in my new 1987 space cruiser lastnight! It was great! We pulled back a cover to find a good quarter of the roof is glass!
We then found a switch that makes that glass gracefully slide away!
Obvious scenes of standing up out of the roof whilst driving round the old street area ensued.
Damn it was fun.
Here are...
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I wanna come!! Dunno which role I should take tho..... Probably the over excited one!! tongue
Who wants to join me?
Who wouldn't want to go with the pip miester?

What would you bring to the adventure?
witty inuendos and dick/fart jokes

What character would you be
I'd be the cocky blond guy who gets fingerd up the arse when making a sperm donation in order to make money when the car blows up smile
Update Update Update!
I didnt leave it a month this time!!!
Even though i have little to say. whatever
Saw Why? a week or so ago with overview, greenthought and a soon to be added member of this lovely little community (oh yes my child.we are now in the business of converting people. All the best sects do it).
It was a fantastic gig. The guys...
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Oh man overview beat me to it I wanted to be the geek!!!! biggrin
I'm seriously gonna take you up on that offer!
I keep leaving it soooo long to update. Promise i'll make em more regular. Been up to loads fun stuff but cant be bothered to list it. smile
Im hoping to have my album done by the end of the year which would be awesome.
Overview and myself have been asked to do some graff for a b-boy jam at nottingham university which should be pretty...
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I'm sure i've seen it.
There is quite a lot of art around there. I take it no one bothered you?
Oh dear I think you just summed me up perfectly blush wink
Almost a month with no update! How rude of me!
Right now what have i been up to?
This calls for bullet points....
- Went to see Vincent Gallo at Koko: This was soooooooooooooo good! He had a stunningly beautiful pregnant drummer/keyboard player. The whole gig just had a fantastic vibe.

-Went to France, Holland and Belgium: All lovely places. Got a cheap little...
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I haven't decide yet but they are so gonna get it wink

Glad to hear you have been having a funtime Mr!

1. Whats been the top 4 things you've been up to in the last month?
Big outdoor summer parties
Swimming in the sea
Watching millions of DVD's
Removing peoples body hair
Smoking a lot of cigarettes

2. Would you rather drown or burn alive? Both fill me with utter horror and dread, I would rather be squashed.

3. Favourite movie moment? Too many, really too many but any moment with Al Pacino is a moment for me!

4 Song/album that you are most embarrased to like? Rocket Man by Elton John, in fact all the Elt I like blush
I went to that festival!
The pixis where awsome. indeed they where

1. Whats been the top 4 things you've been up to in the last month?
Kendal calling
Getting ink

2. Would you rather drown or burn alive?
I always think about this. They say that drownings actually very peaceful after the initial panic. So I will opt for that.
but to be honest I'd rather die in my bed when Im old and have accomplished everything I want to in life

3. Favourite movie moment?

4 Song/album that you are most embarrased to like?
Oh my god where does the list end!?
Britney Spears first album...because sometimes she runs, and sometimes she cries....
Thanks sugar smile

1. What are your current top 5 albums (not all time greatest just current buzz)?
- Louis XIV *The Best Little Secrets Are Kept*
- Arcade Fire *Funeral*
- Death From Above 1979 *You Are A Woman, I Am A Machine*
- Pixie's *Doolittle*
- Marilyn Manson's *Lest We Forget*

2. Who enrages you?
Robert Mugabe (but I think he makes everyone pretty angry) and anyone who blows smoke in my face

3. Who enraptures you?
Hmmmm.... I am difficult to enrapture
Particularly at the moment

4. What do you wish you would dream about?

5. What do you dream about?
Last night I dreamt that I ran into two German ex-lovers of mine who are friends - one was rocking really bad double denim and the other's gf was a deformed child surreal

[Edited on Aug 21, 2005 8:49PM]
1. What are your current top 5 albums (not all time greatest just current buzz)?
I don't really listen to albums...especially nower days (on the ipod shuffle band wagon). But I will answer that question with "artists" intstead of "albums"
Insane Clown Posse - I totally forgot how awsome they are!
The Strokes
Slash's snakepit
Queens of the Stoneage
Jack off Jill
Nelly Furtardo (I can actually tell you that this is her "woah Nelly!" album)

2. Who enrages you?
That's a good question. Probably myself - because I tend to let myself get wound up over things far too easily. Either that or Vanessa Feltz. What a douche.

3. Who enraptures you?
Anyone who can inspire me...and Chris Garver from Miami ink. What a hunk! (men + beards = drool)

4. What do you wish you would dream about?
I like dreams where I am pregnant. I can feel myself glowing smile

5 What do you dream about?
I dream on average 3 times a night - all really vivid and generally all very odd. I get night terrors occassionaly and wake myself up screaming. It didn't go down to well when I shared a room with my friend for a bit - I woke her up warning her that there where dead people under her bed.
So i had my first free day off in ages yesterday which ment i got to start my new little art project. Its inspired by two things:

1. Ive never liked wasting time
2. Ive never liked drawing penis'

I traded my usual spray cans for marker pens and street walls for toilet walls. Heres the first few images from my "dont waste a secend...
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i SO wanna see fanny by gaslight!

do you still have it?
Happy belated Birthday dude kiss kiss
I gues i should really update. Its been almost a month but im one lazy mo' fo.
Saw Sage Francis the other week. One of the best gigs ever. Since then ive watched fromt he side lines as the world has gone on a sick rollercoaster ride of empathy (live 8), joy (the olympic bid), and straight up terror.
Very little i can say on...
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This summer I am liking trying to surf

I like lazing around being naked and going on the internet cos I am a big GEEK

When I can't sleep I think about art work that I might make some day

I miss my someone that I left at home when I moved away for uni frown
I can't resist answering about myself - even tho I'm not on your friends list and I am trauling through your blogs in a vouyeristic manner smile

Whos the coolest out of Paul Newman in Coolhand luke, James Dean in Rebel without a cause, Micky Rourke in Rumblefish, Vince Vaughn in Swingers and Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca?
I wish I had Paul Newman's eyes - and every day came with some suprise - I wish I had Paul Newman's eyes....that would be nice! smile

Whats your favourite summer activity?
Festivals! (brilliant - no washing, plenty of mud, plenty of crackheads, great music and dance tents!)

Whats your favourite "stuck inside coz summer is a myth" activity?
Wearing my house pants and baking. Not always at the same time.

What do you do/think about when you cant sleep?
I rub my feet together...or take a nightol!
I generally think about my wedding plans - my future childeren's names, where I want to go travelling - you know, important stuff like that...

Who do you miss the most?
That's a bit of a vague question.... I don't really know what to say. I miss my best friend because she lives in London and I live in Cumbria - but we talk every day like she's my boyfriend - so it's not that bad. I guesse just friends who don't live in the country - or live really far away - or friends that I forget to call and stuff - and my brother because he lives in Shrewsbury... Maybe my nan. She's dead.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
well i'm glad to hear that my amatuer digi cam antics have such a profound effect!!!! shocked kiss
Not alot to say but i may aswell update anyway so question time again!!!

1. Whats the funniest thing you've ever seen/experienced/heard?

2. What film means the most to you (i.e. film you've connected with most)?

3. Same as no.2 but replace "film" with "song"?

4. Who do you miss the most?

5. Whats your favourite cheese?

Answers on a postcard.........
"walk this way...."

"no. THIS WAY"
1. Whats the funniest thing you've ever seen/experienced/heard?
Chat up line:
"Are you'r parents retarded? Because your special"

2. What film means the most to you (i.e. film you've connected with most)?
Lawn Dogs. It's just so beautiful...especially the twist at the end. It was one of those films that you get so into its as if you are right there - and your heart beats really fast - and it makes you think about things in a different way...and you really do feel touched by it.

3. Same as no.2 but replace "film" with "song"?
That's a toughie. Because it depends on what mood I am in.
I will perhaps have to go with The Beatles "Long Long Long". It's an old favourite - not sure what it is about it - I think it's because they lyrics are so simple...but really powerful too. The music is so serene it's like your floating. Defonatly had my fair share of tears spilled to this song!

4. Who do you miss the most?
I have answered this one before

5. Whats your favourite cheese?
Now that's an impossible question!
I would immediatly say brie. brie with bacon, brie on crackers, brie with grapes, brie with avecado, brie on its own, brie slight melted on french toast,
But then theres Mozzerella - with beef tomatos and bazil, with ham in a panino, on its own, with pesto pasta,
But then you have mild chedder - on toast, in a sandwich, on pasta, with raw onion, in chicken, with spinach, in a fajita,
Cottage cheese - with pineapple, in a jacket potato, salad, to make cheesecake with,
Then blue cheese - with steak, with souffle....
But then of course theres fondu.....I could go on.

It's an in-answerable question. Forget gambling, booze and women, cheese is a man's downfall!

ebay is more addictive than heroin! blackeyed The amount of pointless stuff i've bought on there... whatever

Cool Mic. smile



Godamn! Saw why? last night. What a gig. The guys just so oddly engrossing. The support kicked ass aswell and it was the first time id been to spitz so that was cool. Wednesday night is KRS-1 at the forum (should be awesome) and thursday is an exhibition upstairs at 93 feet east (bricklane) that may well include photos of me! How sad for evryone...
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Dude, I am the same way... my hay fever started yesterday and I feel pretty shitty. I also lay in long grass and got a rash all over me etc etc. I hate allergies. How can someone be allergic to their own planet?! confused
Hmmm. I took some of these allergy tablets this morning and I didn't realise how strong they were but they spaced me right out... felt like I'd been sedated. Quite nice actually confused
So week two of my jury duty was an interesting one. One of the main points of the case revolved around some one calling someone else a "cunt". This meant all the posh judges and wotnot had to keep saying "cunt" which i found hilarious.
The case finished up early so i got to spend the last few days working on new stencils and new...
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1. Syd Barret before his decent into lunacy & eventual recluse.

2. Everything & Anything.

3. See above... But I'm getting better!

4. Steak (bloody) with much veg and a mountain of chips. Thats about all I cook apart from pasta.

5. Acoustic Ladyland - Deckchair.... But, after last night its probably cLOUDDEAD - Jimmy Breeze. Again.

1. Who, other than you or me, do you think is the coolest person in history (musician,film star,etc)?
Stephen Fry. It's gotta be hasn't it!?
Maybe Manet - (he actually looks a bit like you in his portraits) - he was a serious dude.

2. What inspires you?
You know those evenings in summer, where its building up to a storm and the air is really thick, and its really warm, and the sun is going down - and everything's hazy? and the birds are singing, and theres bug everywhere and theres that electricity in the air? And everything smells so much sweeter and stronger than usual...That inspires me.

3. What distracts you?
The internet, looking at Suicide Girls, trash telly...

4. Whats the best dish you've ever cooked?
I don't want to blow my own trumpet or anything - but I am a pretty good cook. Probably the most impressive thing I ever made was a 40 inch proffiter roll mountain. By god that was deicious.

5. Song of the moment
This is going to sound really fucking gay - but Dan le Sac V Scroobius Pip "The beat that my heart skipps" - I can't ever get it out of my head!