I'm so sick of things going wrong. And not even things that I have control over either. If it were my fault then I'd do everything I could to fix it but I didn't even do anything. It was one small act by a melevolant being that has made everything go horribly wrong. This weekend was suppose to be wonderful and now it's nothing but... Read More
I'm so sick of things going wrong. And not even things that I have control over either. If it were my fault then I'd do everything I could to fix it but I didn't even do anything. It was one small act by a melevolant being that has made everything go horribly wrong. This weekend was suppose to be wonderful and now it's nothing but... Read More
I've been working nonstop lately. Everyday, all day, for weeks. I'm so sore and tired and cranky it's not funny. Tomorrow at least I have a day off, but I don't know how fun it's going to be.
I so need a vacation!! I need to get away for at least, AT LEAST a week. I want to get away with my hubby and just... Read More
Def an SG, I meet movie stars all the time, and I will continue to since I work for a talent agency haha. Not to mention the SG's I have met are AMAZING, good people, and most movie stars arent!
Sorry to hear your tired! I'm tired too. Finally just graduated college and I feel like I could sleep for a year. Whats got you so worn out?
Aww don't worry I'm working too...Friday Saturday and Sunday
I can't complain though because then I'm off until Friday!!! My parents are going away so I get to house-sit for them....mwahahahahahaha That means I get to drink lots of beer and play Wii on their huge tv.
You have holiday monday off though right? You'll have to party hard then to make up for your crappy weekend of work.
shit happens and we all deal with it, unfortunately. I'm like you though; cannot do anything right, so you're not alone, doll.
Thanks for checking out that photo. I actually changed it so that my eyes were larger; I wanted to look like more of a doll since I was dressed as a Lolita for a fetish party-thing...yeah lol
awwwwwwwwwwww honey that's not true. Your opinion matters lots! Who is this jerky person who keeps saying these things?? They're mean and not saying accurate things! They need to learn to appreciate all of your goddess qualities!
I like the idea of being climbing company (though I'm bummed you're a position of needing to climb). I have found that in climbing situations you do climb faster the second (and third, fourth, fifth ) times. Especially if you have people who understand around you.
It's the last day of school. I've had my final critique. I'm finished....
Why do I feel so sad?
I wish I could see myself the way others see me. Well, at least all the people who think I'm pretty. I just can't. I don't even know if my reasons for that are even valid anymore. Maybe I should just get over myself. I don't... Read More
it's not going to matter what anyone else says unless you DECIDE for yourself to make a change about what's getting you down. Find out what it is and make a plan on how you're going to change it...not just in your head but on paper (it sounds silly but it makes it so much more tangible)
Hope it works for you dearest...
So this new setup they've done is a little strange. Not so bad 'cept for the fac tthat it takes forever to load on my computer. Hope they fix that bit. I'd like to be able to access SG from home thanks.
Last night i went about town with a friend of mine and we graffitied everywhere we could - ALL IN THE NAME OF... Read More
If not - I apologize