Okay, I gotta calm down.
Im steaming like road kill fresh off the wheels of a 250 miles per hour god knows 800 horse power race car but its slowly going away.

It doesnt make sense. He woke me up in the middle of the night, actually just before dawn, and demanded if I loved him or Ethan, or Ethan or him, I cant remember...
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I feel what you feel. The two paragraphs in the middle that describe the difficulty being perfect for an asian father when you are of a newer generation. Their standards are so high and crazy they aren't i dodn't even consider trying to meet them any more. I love the bitter-sweetness of the lover part right under the 1st paragraph. They sort of tie together in that these men love you, in different ways, but you cannot love them back in the way they want, under their conditions. You are very in touch with your feelings and that is important for self-confidence (i don't need to tel you abut that miss "suicide girl"). Dig your work. megumi.
Easter Weekend
April 15th, 2006

Its Easter weekend. Richard and I went to Hs place for dinner last night, I enjoyed myself, although Richard did say it was the SOS (same old shit); not un-enjoyable, but the same, nonetheless. But of course it was the same, what can any of us expect out of social situations with most people. Theyre either idiots, or theyre not....
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hhhmmm, i am not sure i understand your logic, just because you believe perfection makes a being exist, that is just one reality tunnel. i don't know if there is a god or not. but i do doubt it. but i am convinced that there is not a christian god or any other version, and if it exists, it really pays no attention to what has been created here on this planet. just another thought. love your beauty Santianna!!
Some years ago, I enjoyed most of The Riddle of Scheherazade (and was totally puzzled by the rest)... buy I didn't know about this other Smullyan book!
Thanks for the reference, if all its content is as amusing as this magnificent sophism, it sould be an interesting read! biggrin
Also: if you visit Marseille, please feel free to say hello!
(it could be fun to find out how many separation degrees between Richard's relatives and me!) biggrin biggrin
(or maybe to share our impressions on The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time) biggrin biggrin biggrin
Richard asked me the other day, why do I always write not so nice things about him. Why are my illustrations of him always about how insecure he seems to be, how jealous he can get, how unreasonable. I told him it was because he normally isnt those things, and when they creep up, they become something I cant help but think about. Because theyre...
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Sometimes sarcasm is a passive/aggressive thing... clumsily trying to communicate what one is afraid to. Sometimes it's just a snappy turn of a phrase. Sometimes, well... humans are complicated.

We are all at least a little insecure, how we deal with that is the mark of personal character.

Sometimes we all want to die... & we all ultimately will get our wish. But such thoughts should be fleeting... there's so much life to live... so little time!
'So yeah, my girlfriend and I got some cash for stripping and bondage and a bit of modelling. wow stripping and bondage!? sounds pretty exciting to me. but i am not really into bondage. but i am very happy with your body!! so beautiful!! be well Santianna.
Lets start from last Thursday.

I had Childrens Literature last Thursday, and people talked about the bookworm club for an hour or so. You realize how tragically insular the majority of local attempts at art and/or literature really is. The class broke up late, I finished a test on The Curious Incident of the Dog at the Night Time, which is a very good book,...
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You have an amazing gift with words. Your descriptions of your days events read like a painting in poetry. One would think you could write about a trip to the grocery store & make it engaging.

I really like how you describe the hotels... multi-nationally diluted insertions of British Culture into the Singapore mainstream. I'll bet it really is like a twilight zone... where you can switch cultural perspectives by simply walking through a door.

Yes, looking at people is kinda wierd... not only because their appearance changes with perspective, but also because so many people's faces tend to lend themselves to characature. And there have been times when I've reduced their facial lines & expressions into geometric abstractions... sometimes with the help of some great drugs.

I've only recently discovered your journal... & I find your writing style engaging, whatever the subject. Hope you don't mind if I peek in occasionally.

[Edited on Apr 02, 2006 9:17PM]
Kenneth couldnt believe the situation hed ended up in. It was quite unpleasant, according his usual taste for all things mellow and safe. What would his mother say, he thought, if she knew what was happening to him at the moment. Club Koyaanisquatsi, what a bitter laugh, he thought. He had certainly slipped far down the greasy pole of middle-aged loser-dom, shit job, overweight, no...
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The probe metaphor for what's going on in the rest of his life is interesting.

[Edited on Mar 24, 2006 3:52PM]
goddamn girl! you are a female Henry Miller!. when are you gonna write THE book!
Suicide. Lovely sound to it, don't you think biggrin

I was a little bit apprehensive about joining the site at first, my parents were unbelievably supersititous and belived that if you called yourself anything, that whatever thing would eventually manifest itself in your life. So, for example, if you called yourself a suicidegirl, you would certainly commit suicide.

Bullocks of course.

I don't know about how...
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understood! you are fantastically beautiful!!

I don't know about how it is in other places, but attempts at Suicide is still punishable by the state in Singapore.

I don't mean to be excessively smartassed, but what isn't punishable by the state here? The PAP are bigger control freaks than Tom Cruise.

Hey All biggrin

Thanks for wishing me Happy Birthday, is that an alert or something to tell you it's my birthday, or am I really remembered biggrin !!!


I was okay I guess. I had class from 9 to 7 ish. Not very exciting, I'm afraid. I had a small dinner at a cantonese fast food place and chai lattes at Border's bistro, and that was......
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I'd so love to take you out for your bday, and of course you're remembered! uh duh! wink
ipod. I love mine biggrin
hey have you ever done any modeling for the cincinnati arts fund? it's weird we have a picture at work of an asian woman, that looks so much like you! but i just assume it's not you. since you live in singapore. just wondering!?

Hey, its Sunday again. I like Sundays, meeting your parents once a week can be quite fun. But as long as its once a week, and you dont have to live with them in over crowded conditions. Its wasnt that bad, but oh well, its urban living.

Richard and I went to a edit and comment session of the book The Best of Singapores...
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i hope you post your second draft for us to gander at, its the second draft of the story you gave us right?
so when is the book coming out in the states? is that possible? lovely you are Santianna!!

My new set (which isn't very new anymore) just isn't sending. I sent it via registered mail TWICE!, but some idiot must have stolen it along the way. And damn $%$ Mac OS X doesn't run most of the free compression software out there. So now I've finally compressed the damn thing on my brother's PC and sent it via You Send It, and...
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Excellent! Lost in Transit is not something we needed.
glad to hear that Santianna!! love your bod!!
that just made my day
Chinese New Year this year has proved to be most agreeable. To start off with, my mother brought a Wallace and Gromit DVD to the reunion, which meant that no one was really required to say much to the adults- something that all kids like, because its horrid enough having two parents and sometimes the maid telling you what to do. You dont need another...
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... for some reason or another, most of my social activity the last few months has revolved around people desperate to get on TV, for some reason unknown to all but themselves.

You mean onto Mediacorp?!? My god, what kind of life ambition is that?

The way you describe your friend Taz positively intrigues me. I hope you post a photo of her someday confused wink

where are all the new pics???
What The Fuck.

Three guys go in to a hotel, each with $10 in his pocket. They book one room at $30 a night. A short while later, a fax from headquarters directs the hotel to charge $25 a night. So the receptionist gives the bellhop $5 to take to the three guys sharing a room. Since the bellhop never got a tip from them,...
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i was never good at math, and even worse at math problems with a twist.

[Edited on Jan 29, 2006 12:05PM]
Each of the guys spent $9 on the room+the bell hops tip for a total of 27.

25 for the room + 2 tip=27. 27+ 1x(3 people)=30 total.