i just posted something else on "poetry kicks ass" group. it's not that new but i dig it. check it out.

i like to nap. especially when its kind of cold out.

anyone... Bueller... Bueller... anyone?...

i wrote this today at work...to anyone who may read it, feel free to share your thoughts. or just tell me what you had to eat today or whether the Police Academy series of films greatly affected your life and why.

(on sharing my) selfish pool of introspective drool

looking lovely, feeling ugly
reeling my selfish in
from a pool of introspective drool
when there...
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Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the price tag
of the Divided Stakes of America
and to the consumer public
for the cash they hand
stronger than God
with synergy and profits* for all

*(may not apply to 98% of the population)

I think I just erased my old entry by accident. but it said something like this: this is the first time I have ever tried communicating online via message board/journal/community of people etc. I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm very cynical of how it all works with the friends and the comments and the little happy faces...so i'm just going to post...
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