sexy physics (the grand unifying fuck theory)

like some quantum shit
she hit me with sexy rude looks from all directions
i had the probability, no amplitude
for her multiple orgasms
coming from or on my multiple erections
i hit her from the back
she rode me from above
electron, photon, light cone love

i touched her world time line from
her neck to the...
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all me... like I could quote that shit!
That was fucking hot!!
still praising paper stacks

Now broadcasting live @ 5:00
rhyme psychologist
time gets all of us
soul is falling behind mind
the goal is dollars
but theres no sense behind
these malls and the toilet stall
where all corporate crooks and politicians
place pennies and make dirty water wishes
its still getting hotter
but fuck your daughters future
youre gonna win the stock market...
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If you don't already own it go get the 13 & God CD- Right Now!
It's a solid album. The production is intensely good- and it disperses well between marcus archer and dose for vocals- I dig it more than cLoudDdead- actually way more. If you don't dig Notwist, I would say skip it though
i would like to forgo this opportunity for my usual cynicism and an anti-government tirade for a rare burst of something (hope?)

an American holiday (or mass communication in a city of many languages)

from every block its the crackle and pop
people in Hollywood really love their fireworks
this year i decided to stay home
after a good American made flick
it was...
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It's nice to meet a sensitive guy once in a while...trust me. I'll try to remember that next time I talk to you...that and I'll try to not be drunk...hehehe... smile smile smile
I know you are right and that is sad. Why do guys need to be in a "power" position? Why can't you both just like each other and that's the end of it?
fake love ghosts (that haunt by night-light)

midnight scrawl to keep the crawl
that creeps from all inside the deepest halls
close to falling
kept from calling
anyone, someone
by that one, the ghost
that hides and sleeps and haunts inside
the walls of the heart where it once roamed

slip and slide and riding down
a shiny, happy, poison-dart lined river cruise
still bruise...
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No doubt... It's mostly the fact that I need to start socializing with people interested in doing somethin other than seeing how much they can drink...
passing photos of faces to Hate*

pin the tac on Iraq
stab freedom in the back
because calm is not conducive
to military contracts

feed the fear fire
a new stack of 8x10 glossies
toss these black woman gay commie faces aside
we got a new picture of the enemy from which to hide

we got a new face and race
to place our demons...
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you're welcome biggrin
(from the song "Sleepin' all Day" by AWOL ONE)

"...I can feel the stares comin' through the radio
Sleepin' all day must be the way to go
'Cause where i go, i leave no prints

I've been up all night, Sleepin' all day
My father wasted sperm when he made me
And it's hard enough nowadays just actin' normal
Still gotta be to work on...
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free association session with a twenty-six-year-old loser

This is a free association session With words and thoughts But no morals or lessons
Addicted to pot Lungs rot from the opposite of the no smoking section Eight mental patients strapped to a bed With taped up veins and juicy, depressed brains Hate the klu klux same of the great American plains Seratonin reigns inside the synapse...
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As always, money is the root of all...err...change. I don't really care. I'd sell out faster than Red Sox tickets on opening day, but it doesn't change the fact that I wouldn't leave my "old" fans hanging by a thread to open up a new fanbase....I just think that most people into her "No Doubt" phase don't like the new stuff she's doing...
I love this. Your writings are always so insightful and engaging. I haven't been writing lately - I guess I have a sort of emotional block...

how you been doing lately?
a selection from the Book of Nobody

chapter 6

verse 66

beware of politricks:

and men named Ken, Dick, or Dubya

(we begin.)

this is the story of Hamlet
based on a comic book adaptation
written by the man who began
the TV bank news station that whores the
numb sensationalist untrue sound byte
for the poor dumb gun enthused troglodyte
who beats his wife...
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You are nobody until you are somebody! wink
early morning day dawning on me
like some cat pawing and looking to pee all on the rug
damn i need a hug
this life is bugged -out

got the clout of a good neighbor
never had a saviour except the self with the fat flavor but been on the shelf for awhile
got the hell from denial but the pile of wood ain't lookin...
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this is called a freestyle journal think session
meanwhile i got two days two go until my next paid couch doctor confession

i'm guessing the day was bland but i got one hand in the past so some memory will last into tomorrow's cookie jar

i'm not near a child but i'm far from a settled adult

the peddle spins but the grins are far...
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I am totally an exhibitionist. I won't even try to lie there! Not that I sugar coat anything or embellish...as a matter of fact, I think that because of the fact that there are quite a few people reading my journals, I keep quite a bit out and to myself. A lot of what I write in my personal journal, if you will, doesn't make it in here simply because I like to keep a little mystery to myself and what I do...
But the style in which I chose to write and all...I think that it's more for the people that read it and less for me, which is okay, I mean, what is the point of having an on-line journal if you don't expect people to read it. I think that I get a lot of comments and have quite a few friends (made in a fairly short period of time, really) because of what and the way that I write in here...
Oh...I don't do drugs at work. My job means too much to me for that, and also it would be awfully stupid and selfish of me to be high here, considering the job that I do...I just drink a lot of soda... smile
Wow...that was a seriously long comment. Yeesh.
Why don't you have any pictures of your face, psycho boy??? wink
I really like your writing. I really just now slowed down enough to read it.
and i quote "somebody once said something...(and then it went on and on and on)"

thats the advice i give myself on a friday in the blah time of the evening. now it's time for a screening of a good flick. i'm thinking maybe Magnolia or Umberto D or the documentary Aileen about the female serial killer whom the movie Monster is based on.

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lmao... well she transforms from a woman to a nine-tailed fox.. she's a trickster and mischievous, but not an evil character. basically she represents transformation and living in the moment because the biggest change of all is death. i'm not completely clear on the story as of yet- i'm still in the process of learning all i can about it...
she doesn't have nine butts in my tattoo, but maybe there have been nine-tailed foxes in the past blessed with as many butts.
Buddy... You will be able to see my revolution on television...
i lied. i am going to still post poetry/(not-so)spoken word in my journal.

i don't hide behind this shit, it's more personal than any words i write or spit.

and now...something about tomorrow that i wrote yesterday...


head:block of cheese, eyes: silly, dim beams

head block opens through cheese life grater shreds
make a sandwhich with unclogged thought
sometime between now and when's meds...
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i can relate. love your wordplay and how you use your share of poetic licence.