Ahh ok i am feeling much better today, hangover gone, that crappy gross mouth feeling replaced with an "oh how i love crest toothpaste" taste. Hopefully i will be out having a great time tonight. Maybe ill go see dodgeball, havent yet and really want to.

well nite all, will tell ya how my night went, be it good, bad, or reallly boring!
Hopefully you have a better night then I'm looking at. I have to up and to work by 6am. Woohoo! Night night, have a good one.
Ok Ima gonna rant a little tonight. Frickin goddamn doctors piss me off sometimes. Here is a little secret. They are spoiled drmanding pains in the ass sometimes. working withthem can be fun, butothertimes it is like holding a kids hand while they have a tantrum. And nothing will irritate those oversized egos more than someone who is not totally bent towards appeasement. So i...
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Feel better? I should hope that you do.. So um, thanks for the emails. I was mostly looking for someone to hang watch movies and drink beer with, that sorta thing, not uhhh, anything that happened. *grumbles*

I'm still drunk. I gotta go crawl and die.
I notice that you haven't made any guys your friend. At least thus far. Only lookin' for the chics, eh? Single now...

I'll stop. Bastard doctors! You kind of made your job sound demonic, like you love cutting people, opening them up. Ya know, whatever. I'm sure you get a lot of pleasure out of helping people. I'm just talking bullshit. Mostly tired. Damnit I still need to go to the auto part store. Fucking car!
Ah the weekend sucked, worked WAY to much, but thank god for, MONDAY?? Went and saw Kill bill2 for the second time, and it was better than the first. amazing the things you pick up you missed first time around. well today wasnt bad either, just very, uneventful. hey wait the night is still young..... ARRR!!!
now that i've accepted your friend request, you'd better comment in my journal!

i love quentin tarrantino (sp?)
hi. Ever heard of a band called Devil With Cheese? How about God Kill God?
Uh, Another weekend of being on call. Damn and i so wanted to go out this weekend.