First of all, I'm watching "Shaft," and even 34 years later, he's the motherfuckin' man! So now I want to be a combo of Jack Bauer, Trogdor and Shaft! Who could defeat that? I ask you, WHO? Nobody, bitch. Good answer.

"That's some cold shit, throwing my man Leroy out the window. Just picked my man up and threw him out the goddamn window!"

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RE: "So here's my question: Is it worth it to spend two grand on a meal?"

Will there be any side dishes with our frozen waffles? ...like maybe teenaged hookers for dessert? eeek
I just saw a commercial for a shampoo claiming to make hair "five times smoother." How the fuck would you even begin to measure "smoothness?" How would you quantify it, and measure "five times?" God, people are stupid.

Did an hour of radio this morning. The regular host was out sick and the producer was running things, so it was kind of a cluster fuck,...
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... woot. WOOT. w00t.

(i haven't h*r-ed in weeeeks. i'm way behind. i need a good block of time to check out what all i've missed.)
yeah.. i've seen the lappy. i just haven't seen much since it's introduction.
If a journal is updated in a forest, and nobody reads it, does it make a sound? EL SUICIDO LOCO
indeed. i worked til almost 12, came home to start laundry.. various chores around the house. i'm probably going to go to bed in a minute. i'm not sleepy or ready to go to bed yet, but i don't want to sleep terribly late tomorrow. ..sigh.
Went to the dog park (thanks for the idea, pretty girl!). Picked up my friend's little beagle to go with. My dog has taken to not coming when called at the park, which is driving me bat-shit. I think he's just losing his hearing (he's almost 14). Anyway, it's always good times to see all the dogs having fun.

You know what's best about dogs?...
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So I was thinking about the concept of pets, which if you think about it makes no sense.

We're the dominant species of animal on the planet, yet we for some reason decide to invite lower animals into our homes to live with us. Not so they can serve us, so we can serve them! Dennis Miller once said if he gets to heaven he...
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Quick procedural question from a n00b: When someone leaves a comment on your journal and you want to write them back, what is the proper way?

Do you go to their page and write them through "contact"? Do you answer them in your own journal comments? In THEIR journal comments as a total nonsequitur? Stalk them and kill their pets? Please advise.
I generally answer in theirs. consider it a slow, public form of e-mail.
Answer back in their journal.
Anybody watch "24" last night? If I could be Jack Bauer, that would be the coolest. If I could be a combination of Jack Bauer and Trogdor, I would totally kick ass!

Somebody on one of the boards made a reference to this site beautiful agony and it's really cool. I'm not shilling for it or anything -- I didn't even pay for it, I...
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fuck i didnt watch 24. see i never watch tv, but a couple mondays ago.. or last monday.. i dont remember.. i was at my parents, so i just started watching the channel that was on while i sat with my mom. (she sells antiques, so hse was working on ebay.. and im watching tv.) so 24 was on, and id never seen it before.. because, like i said. no tv watchee.

they played a couple episodes back to back.. and i was on the EDGE OF MY SEAT. its where chloe was repositioning a satelite etc etc etc and jack faked robbing a store.. then he took terrorist dude's car.. and it ended with the police roadblock, i think.

WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?! you must tell me. and i must buy that show on dvd so ic an watch them all. alchol talking.. i'm a cheapskate.
SG (hey! your initials are SG!), the terrorist dude wound up plowing himself into a truck to commit suicide when he figured out he was made. And Jack busted in and saved his girlfriend and her dad and just basically was a stud.

You should watch the first couple of seasons on DVD. Like you said, every episode is edge-of-your-seat stuff. Now get some sleep, pretty girl!
Wow - thanks! smile Makes me want to post more pictures. So, have you read book 5 and 6 of the dark tower yet? I was looking at them in the bookstore today but didn't buy. What do you think? I've read 1-4 but it has been a while. I feel like I need to refresh....

I'm gonna be gay and ask you to be my friend. wink
"I've been mad crushing on Adore..." okay, that is cute. Mad crushing...smile Thanks.
I've been lurking here for 6 months. I admit it, I came for the pretty naked girls.

But I've been drawn in by this community, which I've found to be filled with unique, smart, interesting people. Some of you are even almost as retarded as I am -- and I say that as the highest compliment.

I probably don't fit the SG demographic, being 35...
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strong mad is cool