12-hour workdays are a motherfucker.

no paz, no alcohol, no energy, and definitely no stripclubs...
just sore feet and me.

all's well though; i feel the need to relax.
(when i typed that, a dumb movie quote came to mind, "I feel the need...The NEED FOR SPEED!!" you should try to guess what it's from, or not.)

yikes, i gotta go. there's some pictures in...
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the pictures of ryan made me laugh

and the one of you.... wait... all of the ones of you are fucking hot

my gosh where are you?
-=RIP Dimebag Daryl=-

yeah, so i thought(and still think) many aspects of Pantera were racist, macho-tough guy, and ignorant but what the fuck...they were a metal band and their riffs kicked ass. they knew how to rock out, loudly and quickly. dimebag influenced the style of a whole generation of metalheads throughout the late 80's/90's and contributed a lot to the industry via guitar/pedal design....
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where is that cute boy and his ultra-pudgy cat?

i would also like you to know that i am going to get off of here now and finally go sit down and look at the bresson book you bought me.
I recommend "The Life Aquatic"...

school is almost over for awhile...

should've given you one more kiss...

that's all for today.

I called her at midnight to play the Beatles "Birthday" song, mostly because she's the raddest girl I know but partly because I'm a geek. (Probably because I'm crazy about her too though.)

"The highest purpose is to have no purpose at all. This puts one in accord with nature, in her manner of operation."

- John Cage

Got a brainy early...
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oh man what a super journal entry. or maybe i just get excited when you make journal entries in general. eh. yeah! i am going to see you tonight!
she's up now...and she couldn't look better.

and yet, she does next time.

(congrats kiddo)
Hope you are having a lovely time at work. i know i will be in an hour... yeah!
8 hours straight = one psychological profile of John Nash.

my brain is fried.

gonna go fry it some more and do my radio show.

ahh, the Paz is calling me...gotta go.

record of the day: McNeal & Niles "Thrust"
that made me think of french fries.
what if your brain was french fries? oh man that makes me hungry. to eat brains.
eh.. anyway... i think i am going to call you now to tell of my new class schedule extravaganza
bush won...

i'm nervous about all of that.

everything else is good right now.

here's what i listened to today:

- oh no "the disrupt"
- my robot friend "hot action"
- frank black "frankBLACKfrancis"
- gonzales "solo piano"
- hopesfall "A types"
- blueprint "chamber music"

i just remembered...there's a hot spanish model on the cover of some foreign fashion mag this month and...
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stupid slot machine.

the model. not you.
life is nice again...

order a sandwhich next time, dammit...and one of the mint-choco things too. i command it.

georgie-porgie bush boy is going down tomorrow. pinback is one day away and i get to interview del the funkee homosapien in a few weeks.

life can flip like IHOP.

oh man i almost crapped my pants when i saw that mint chocolate chip thing on the wall.

and i just wanted to call you to say i woke up so happy. but instead i guess i will right it here because you are in class probley
it's very seldom things happen for a reason, despite being able to follow the lines very closely. all my brain does is weigh down my head.

"first she can go quietly / by disease or a blow / to the base of her neck / where her necklaces close"


i wanna get records this weekend...
and i want to come with you.

but i dont see that bit happening. frown
DON'T LEAVE ME HERE ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am lonely. right now.
Ratatat rocked the house...Mouse on Mars had a drummer. lots of us danced. yeah, rad night.

i had a choice between a 35 dollar perscription for my allergies or that. good choice. my mom is going to pick up my perscription for me tomarrow when i told her how much it was.
and i saw that piercing bit too. i like this one better... freakin sweet.

damn it i guess i will call you now.

p.s. that poose is also f-ing hot and if i was a guy i would be busy doing something else right now then typing this.
and i called you. no answer. playing with your sticks probley.

[Edited on Sep 25, 2004 9:56PM]
hot shit.