X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocolypse rocks my rowhouse! Man is it cool! Lots of new characters, and they have Age of Apocolypse outfits! Why is it then that I still just want to use Jean Grey all the time? Perhaps because she still kicks mad ass.

For the first time in months, I got drunk tonight. Had a blast.
Do you know Voltaire was archived?!? eeek
Oh yeah, Apnea too.
2 days till X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocolypse!

I'm starting to realize that this one student I have is dumb as a brick.
what's he doing that makes you think he's so dumb? any funny stories.
I had my seniors write up a resume and a cover letter in anticipation of their entrance into the 'world.' I told them, just for kicks, that they could write their cover letter as if they were applying for any job they wished, just write it well.
I got one addressed to Mace Windu, requesting entrance to the Jedi Academy. I also received one petition...
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spineless...ah that is a long story whatever

You sound like you've got some awsome kids! Very creative.
Hehehe...Mle said the same thing. Ari is exactly 21. He got a job there bussing right after they opened and was bartending two months later!
BTW, you've always been 9 years older than he has. tongue
I had my seniors write up a resume and a cover letter in anticipation of their entrance into the 'world.' I told them, just for kicks, that they could write their cover letter as if they were applying for any job they wished, just write it well.
I got one addressed to Mace Windu, requesting entrance to the Jedi Academy. I also received one petition...
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I seem to have a story every day when I come home from school...

Today, a student duct taped another students arms to her sides. When I removed the tape, I took some of her hair with it. It was all in good fun though.

Oh, and I said the word clitoris in class.
That's hilarious.

Well, he hasn't become any less disgusting. I spent most of the trial staring at him trying to remember how I could've ever been so f*ed up in the head....

But I wouldn't change Gabriel being in my life for the world. He is my little angel and savior.
Back to school tomorrow, and I still have papers to grade...
I'll trade ya, i go to court w/ puke
4 Day weekend, yay! Maybe I can grade some of the 190 essays I have to get done.
they're there now, they only made everyone wait a few days to get water.

you know damn well if it was an afluent area, those people would've been out by now.
yikes! good luck with that! eeek
First day today. 190 kids came through my classroom today, as they will every day. Students of every variety. I had so much fun, but man, it was exhausting. I have fourty two kids in my film as lit class, and they all want to stay. The administration is talking about giving me a bigger room, just for that class. Let's hope I can handle...
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Some people call it "No child gets ahead." frown

Yay for your first day! smile
Freshmen start on Monday
The rest start on Tues. Am I ready? Could I possibly be?

On another note, The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction is a fantastic game. It's just soooooo muh fun!
Good luck! smile
I saw my classroom yesterday. Tomorrow, I'm going to take my last day off (not counting weekends, of course) to decorate it. I was so excited walking into that room. It has two cinderblock walls and two drywall walls. It's painted white from top to bottom. The chalkboard is a little to small, the floor is super shiny from just being waxed. The desk is...
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that's so sweet man biggrin
I decided some time ago to take a more serious stand against intollerance. This means you, kind old fuddy duddy member of the clergy. If you're a member of a group that discriminates against women and homosexuals, then you support intollerance. Just because your religion is 2000 years old, and your people have been doing this since time immemorial, that does not mean you get...
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Other people's parents are ruining my life. See, I play Halo 2 late at night, when all the little, annoying, foul mouthed, biggoted because they don't know any better (I hope), kids are supposed to be asleep. But thanks to bad parenting skills across the country, I have to deal with these whining incoherent monsters.

"This board is gay. This team is gay. That guy...
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That's more than half the problem w/ our society. Nobody really cares how the children in it are being brought up. Family Courts a joke, social services is a joke. There's not sufficient enforcement for behavior regarding raising children. Though I s/b it's entirely possible I've become a bit judgemental on the subject since raising one of my own.
I am firmly convinced the two proffesions that are the most underpaid and undersupervised are teachers and law enforcement. Both have way to many people in them that do not care any more, or are burned out. And both of them play roles that strongly influence behavior in our society. There are some great people working in both areas, but if we offered more incentive, maybe we'd have more good people there. Of course I also believe parents should play their role. Preferably working side by side w/ the educational system since that is where there kids are most of the day.