Well, the stylists thought my hair was too dark to dye over, so I didn't get to model on Sunday. Oh well. This gives me an opportunity to go to ATL to get my hair did. Weeeee!
That is how I feel during the school year. When fall comes I am mentally well prepared for school but about half way through fall I start feeling mentally more drain drained daily only to get some brief relief come xmas break. I tend to hate school most of the spring and welcome summer only for the much needed mental break it gives.
hey, this is because I missed the last entry to comment on-
I moved in with JP after about 6 months, and it's been incredible.
I don't think it's crazy/stupid at all to move in with someone you love. You can make it work no matter how short of a time you've been together if you love each other.
That's my $0.02.
The same way that all matter started as energy and eventually evolved into much more complex things like atoms, all life started as single-celled organisms and evolved in multi-celled organisms. It doesn't matter what planet your from they would come from the same universe and be subject to the same rules of evolution.
Are your saying that energy weapons aren't more advanced? They are because we don't currently have the technology to use energy weapons beyond a few seconds burst. The reason is because the weapons generate heat that is equivalent to the sun's heat and renders there the weapon useless. In order to reuse weapons like that they would have to develop some short of cold fusion or develop some unnaturally occuring material capable of withstanding the heat of the sun. Either way they would need a highly advanced understanding of chemistry and physics, certainly far beyond our undertsanding of such subjects.
Damn you and all your JPEGs. They are wrecking Havoc on my dial up. Are you and the Zeo going to NIN this time around. I am debating it..............broke.