....I feel like hammered shit. Like death, even....I am sick as fuck, and not in the complimentary way, either. I mean, yeah, it's not like pneumonia, BUT it is like an ear-throat-sinus-stomach infection. Oh yeah, that's right, I got the mother fuckin' trifecta of flu's, plus one......
Any-who, I had this fucking amazing blog to post for you guys, picture heavy and all, but no. Not today. It is just going to have to wait until tomorrow, or at least until this fucking fever breaks (THAT'S gonna be a goddamn day in the park- nothing better than waking up in your own stinky, flu-marinated sweat
x's infinity). Sorry if this is rather, well, EXPLICIT- Nyquil-Dayquil-Prozac combination has me on another mother fucking planet in a galaxy far, far away right now
.....I will have a rad post for you dudes tomorrow, for sure! Peace out, 'til then and say a prayer that I make it though the night without pissing the bed or having a bout of simultaneous diarrhea-vomit-snot nosed-blown ear drum fit, 'cause that sure as shit would not be pretty for ANYone to have to walk into!!!!
Oh, but I WILL leave you with these lil ditties:

....I feel like hammered shit. Like death, even....I am sick as fuck, and not in the complimentary way, either. I mean, yeah, it's not like pneumonia, BUT it is like an ear-throat-sinus-stomach infection. Oh yeah, that's right, I got the mother fuckin' trifecta of flu's, plus one......

Oh, but I WILL leave you with these lil ditties:
Edited: 6/3/08, 11:36 AM, est
And, now for some more Long Beach, CA alumni:
GET WELL SOON HUN.Wowza the bash has a soft spot for Tha Sublime