My eyes get so dry! I hate it. They get all blood shot and I always look like Im high. Suckwittage
I hate it when people bail on you without even telling you. I mean, I'm pretty flaky about stuff, But at least I call and let people know I'm not going to show up. Pshhh
I dreamt about Nex's ex girlfriend again. Weird. Maybe... Read More
wow, I'm out of touch, I should stop by here more often.
I have no life in me, and nothing these days feels real cept my own fear and anxiety. I fear my success and loathe my failure. I hate my decisions but put forth no effort to make them. I used to be happy.
God, there are so many hot members on this site. heh heh heh. That super rocked. I almost got to see 2 boys make out too. But then I got distracted and stopped trying to put it all together. That would have been so hot.
I went to sleep at 6ish this morning when I got home, but I can't sleep anymore. So now I... Read More
Hello, crazy queen. I had a marvelous time meeting you and almost performing some man love for you (we'll work something out another time, don't you worry). Damn well better see you around, too.
Bug bites.
Remedy. Neosporin triple ointment.. Rocks Sox. only about 5.95 at walgreens.
Take care. *hugs*