Large gaps go by when I just dont have the time to write. Now that Ive started my PCT training, It feels like Im not doing very much at all My plans fell through tonight, and Im left hanging out here, feeling lonely. This Wednesday marks me knowing Kyle for 3 weeks. So strange, sometimes it feels like more, sometimes way less. Ive definitely... Read More
A lot has happened in 3 days. Just like always, you can go months without anything at all happening, and then one day it hits you. Life hits you. Complex emotions and feelings tangle up inside, they cripple you. Love cripples. And giving your love away puts you in a vulnerable position. But we give when... Read More
So yeah, went to a show last night. Had such a great time with the new guy. The night ended with sex, which i hadn't planned on. But, it was a fun night, and now i'm way too tired to deal. I like Kyle alot, and we have fun together. I really like how he wants to see me often as well. One of the... Read More
Dont feel like a bad person you are cant b with everyone.....Im so happy you are happy thats cool the new guy seems like he will make you happy!!! happy is good my christmass has been going wonderfull i hope yours is as well......they got me the new lg phone the one that opens up and youcan get on the web you know the side kick on so excited last year at this time i was alone for xmass this year i have the most wonderfull girl...i was afraid you would be alone but now this new guy maybe not cause be alone at christmass happy christmass!!!!
hmm.... that doesn't mean you're a BAD person. It means "sorry dude! I'm taken." It's like when soda says "sorry, try again" you know? hehe! Anyway, you're cute as hell for caring about that type of thing - Hope you had a happy xmas and are planning to have a RIDICULOUS new year's eve night! WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, last night of course. Just came to my senses and ate some free fruit loops. It's one of the best feelings in the world for me when i'm eating food that isn't my own and it's ok. Staying a night at my stepfather's makes me feel like a kid again.
I got in way too late last night, late enough... Read More
I got up around 7:30 to get myself all ready for work, and all the fun that goes hand in hand with working at the mall during the holiday season. I was swamped with unappreciative customers buying the worst Christmas presents youve ever seen. At Spencer Gifts Id have to say our top sellers right now are Humphrey the... Read More
Ok I am at work on one of my emplooyes side kicks I'm moving to a place in fallriver it nice its in the highlands.. But I'm pissed it costing me over a grand to get out of my lease and my land lord is driving me out.......but I will still be here at papas in dartmouth stop buy ican cheer you up when your sad.....sorry I was so dazed when I saw you at spencers I hate christmass shopping but you brightend my day a bit thanx
Ahh! you boys, you kill me!!!
Current mood: Utterly disgusted...
This is for you Sean...
Know what sucks?? When you're the female equivalent of the "nice guy" I go all out on a limb for you boys, and i get jack shit in return. Fuck it, fuck you all. I'm sick of being treated badly and allowing it to just happen! Then you guys turn... Read More
its good to get all of that out isnt it........welll les has been in a funk and i dont really no why..... it makes me kinda sad in way whenever i see him i try to cheer him up i made him a poster the other day.....that made him happy for a bout five minutes the both of you have just fallen...everyone needs to fall sometimes if not they never learn how to get back up......
Last night was the last time i slept in my comfortable and familiar apartment in N.Dartmouth. I woke at 9 and hauled ass all day to get my worthless and trivial crap into my new apartment. A new apartment with an olive green toilet that appeared to be from the late sixties sitting in the middle of my new bedroom.... Read More
So Cerfur just informed me it's been a month since my last update! Sorry My bf has developed a problem with suicide girls, and with me submitting my sets. So, i don't know what i can do. He made some sacrifices for our relationship, so i don't think i can swing doing the pictures without having him get very upset. It sucks, i love posing... Read More