How many times will you decide? How many lives will you define? How much control should we give up of our lives?

So I got a new internship today. I went in to interview for one thing but the guy thought I was overqualified and said they'd try me off in this other position. I start Monday. Its still no money, but its experience and...
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well congrats on the work oppertunity you have...might not pay but like you said its good on your resume.
Wow tonights Veronica Mars was amazing...the only good thing so far in a shitty week. Man don't you just love how ex girlfriends can just totally make you feel like crap?
New user pic. Tis all for now. I'll probably change it again tomorrow, but this is in honor of today's launching of the "Serenity" movie trailer.
I tip my hat to you, sir.
So let us see whats going on in my world. Still unemployed but constantly looking and applying. Still single but I'm coming to grips with that. While I was sitting around totally bored in jury duty the other day I started writing out some notes on a few screenplays. It would be smart to just focus on one at a time but I find that...
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OH man, I loved Buffy, this movie is going to make me pass out or something. It's about fucking time they make one of Wonder Woman, she's better than ANYONE.

I know what you mean like woah. waking up next to someone would rock my socks.
that is a total load of bull if you ask me
I had jury duty today. It sucked ass. Have a job interview tomorrow. At least I got $40 bucks now!
jury duty = puke
I'm kinda pissed cause I slept through meeting the Veronica Mars cast today. Anyway I was just thinking about all the dvd's I want and how I really wanna go to Kims and search through their used section for like 8 hours (thats seriously how long it can take) and get some.
sleeping in the meeting thats not good now is it

though dvd hunting on that scale can be both annoying yet so nice when you find what you want
I got the new Poppy Z. Brite book this week. Its pretty good so far. I love her stuff so much. It's called Prime and its the sequel to Liquor, a great book on its own. She just inked a deal for 2 more books in the series. I still love her older stuff better but even my dad loves Liquor (he's obsessed with cooking...
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thanks blush

oo poppy!
Wow I just finished watching an amazing Veronica Mars. That show just gets better and better with each episode. During it they ran this ad that said the entire cast is going to be at Macy's on Saturday. Although usually that's not my type of thing I'm totally going cause I wanna let them know how much of a great job their doing (and seeing...
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So last night I went to the SGNY thing despite the insane rain. By the time I walked from the subway I was totally soaked, dripping, and looked like I'd wet myself. It was nuts. Anyway wound up getting very very drunk and got in around 12:30 (yeah I left early cause I was wayyy drunk, next time I have to leave later). I fell...
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It was a pleasure meeting you last night!
haha, I know what you mean, I had no idea it was taken either--- but I'll be honest I'm glad!

Good seeing you saturday too! smile