I did not go to bed till a little after 5 am. The kicker is I was all by myself just watching t.v., surfin the net, and writing. Ii was actually writing a short story when the ball dropped. I spent my new years eve justas I wanted to. Alone, in my house doing what I love. I couldn't have had...
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thanks so much for all that u said
i agreeeeeeeeee so much
ur pic for ur profile is FUCKING HOT AS SHIT GOD DAMN. love
cool new profile pic... made me drool wink

and my sushi turned out pretty good....
it was the easy kind... the rolls... with cooked stuff because I am in a shit town so I didn't want to risk the raw sushi... my favorites are the yellowtail sushi and the tuna things I also like cali rolls and there was this roll i really liked but I forgot what it was but it involved spicy tuna and salmon it was damn good...

hope your b-day is a blast and I am glad to hear about your man and stuff..
I just put up new photos!!!!! Finally, I can post pics at my leiseure..I love digital cameras!! I have black hair in these pics too, but you can hardly tell. The dye is almost out of my hair even though it was semi permanent. I don't know, my hair can not keep hold dof dye. I swear, permant colors stay in my head only like...
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Happy New Year!!!!!

Snowboarding is fun. Thanks for the comment. hope you have a safe night! kiss

Hot new pics BTW! love
Another morning..... whatever

The Lost boy slept over, and now is bitching about having no oj. Hey, I told him I would get him something at 7'11, but all he did was grr at me from under the sheets. I had to wake him up to move his car since he was blocking me in. He was not so thrilled about that. biggrin I'm a asshole!!

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blush I have recieved a marrige proposal! It was a joke, and it is really sad I am actually happy about it, but still, it does not happen everyday....You know who you are.

Today is my moms birthday.
We have a strange relationship. I am very sensitive over the topic of her, and I do not want to really talk about her. In short, despite the...
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so happy for you sweety. falling in love is the awesomist part. i hope it always feel that good!!!!!!

love kiss
thank you. YOU are soooo hot yourself ms Rochelle! have you given anythought to applying? kiss kiss
He says "I wanna be a bad cop"
I ask "Were you bullied in grade school?"
He answers "no"
I suspect that he is lieing.

I went to midnight mass last night with my friend and one of her peeps from her college she had braught home for the break. I have never been to midnight mass before, I am not catholic.

It was absolutley beautiful. The catherdral had these gorgeous statues of Mary and the baby Jesus, and some machine was projecting stars on the high cielings...
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Wow girl! Hot new profile pic! love I try to saty away from organized religion myself... but that is an interesting notion about having orgies on Easter. Hope your Christmas was wonderful and the New Year is even better than last! kiss
THANKS! Hope you had a good one!

Your new profile pic is incredible!

puke Good news- I am surfin the crimson wave aka I am not with child.

Being ever paranoid, I will go and take a professional test once this thing is over, just to make sure. I have heard horror stories of girls getting their rags while they are pregnant, and of crappy over the counter preg test.
Thanks everyone for being so supportive!! I got crazy...
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I have been thinking seriously the past few days, well attempting to.

Over the past year, I have aquired this great love for people who are humble. I believe that humility is such a wonderful, and rare quality, and I ever so badly want to possess it. It definetly sucks to note your self as a tad vain, or concieted or up in your own...
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I wish you luck on not being pregnant.

Merry Christmas and all that good stuff!
You are awesome indeed! I respect that you actually notice and admire people like that. Most folks don't get any recognition or appreciation for it. Humility is good as long as it's not over-played.
I was there when my ex had an abortion... it was the right thing to do. I hope you don't have to go through that again, good luck with the test. And, by the way, thanks for the compliment! I always liked your profile pic too! Later cutie! biggrin kiss

I have a cookie hangover! I have been trying my hand at being a interracial martha stewart by baking cookies for the holidays. This really means I buy sugar cookie dough and turtle cookie dough by tollhouse and put then on sheets and bake them at my folks house-as not to dirty my own kitchen, then transport them to those who have a sweettooth that...
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OMG. i hope the test comes out the way you hope it does. those moments while waiting for that little line...are...shitty.

which brings me too....good luck with that. drink some coffee. or eat taco bell that always does the trick for me.lol..

thanks for being here..... it helps soooo much....... biggrin
pictures of your newly balck hair please! kiss
i am glad. if i can make one person smile its been a good day. hearing that made me smile so.... smile lol

what a truely ingenious idea!!! now i know what i am doing christmas day. lol think anyone will notice i f i get drunk and pass out before dinner?

lol i just saw that you had the diet sprite mixture listed on stuff your into.... i wonder if subconciously i got my idea from you? lets give you cred for it ok? YOU ROCK!!!!!


Christmas is nothing but bullshit-in case the world did not know, for the last fuckin time, Jesus was not born on December 25th!!! He was born in the late summer or early fall so there!

I have told everyone that I have no money! I have stated quiet nicley that I have mad bills to pay, and I have also joined...
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here here... i agree. holidays blow

i know it may sound stupid... but i bet you look beautiful at 9 am... without makeup....
