From April the First I'm getting a 1,500 a year pay rise!!!!
Plus my OTE just went up 250.
With a possible further 2,000 promotion to be decided over the next few weeks!!
Today I am a very happy man!!
Time to get that huge dragon tattoo I've been talking about!
I think we have a singer for the band, we met him, neither of us think he's a cunt, he likes to drink and be loud and stupid, so it all worked out quite well.
As long as he can sing even a little bit, he's our man, and I can ened the pain of hearing my own voice on demos.
he he yep, only in Torture Garden, it was the Valentines special with Animal love theme... lots of people with full on furry animal suits. Sooo funny
Had a cool time last night at the underworld. Renegade Burlesque was good fun, plus the audience got to have a go at the sport as well.
God bless jelley wresting.
sounds like one hell of a night out! I so want a go at jelly wrestling...actually my flatmate and i were discussing the technicalities of setting this up in our kitchen! We had this huge foam fight the other night because someone set off a fire extinguisher, but jelly sounds like so much more fun...and it's edible! I'm thinking multicoloured jelly...onwards with the plotting
Well it certainly makes a nice change from all those indie bands who insist on dressing like the Yates' Male Voice Choir we seem to get in Leeds nowadays.
I saw some fantastic live bands last night at a place called The Storm in leicster Square.
KID EGO who were brilliant,
Renegade Playboys were cool, and I even quite liked RED STAR REBELS.
I also discoverred that a bottle of red wine is 5 in happy hour at CROBAR...
so there goes my liver