Went to "Deck the Hall Ball" tonight. Concert put on by a local radio station. We got there a bit late, and missed the opening act. Got there in time to see three songs from Vampire Weekend. Got a CD signed by 30STM. Very cool guys, they stayed and signed CDs for everyone that wanted one. Other thoughts on the rest of the night:

thanks for the birthday wishes kiss
Heading off to my in-laws for Thanksgiving. Be back on Sunday. Have a happy one everybody! smile
Headache, sore throat, and I can feel my neck is out.... Another happy Sunday. frown

Oh shit the roof just sprung a leak... mad
I need a new job. My supervisor is an idiot, and I don't think the company will ever get rid of him...

TGIF! And it is Halloween to boot! Went to a party at my daughter's school tonight, she had a lot of fun, and that is all that matters. Trick-or-Treating tomorrow, we always have fun with it. More later, and maybe even pics of...
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Hun Thanks you for commenting on my set u are adorablekisskisslove
wink thanks!! maybe i should wear my glasses more often!!
Oh shit! I just realized I turned my twitter feed off so I didn't get any spoilers for last week's TUF show, that was Wednesday! Damn now I am afraid to turn it on and see how many tweets I have...

On more important news, the sickness Thursday only lasted about 12 hours. That's how my food allergies seem to happen, they hit me hard...
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oh, allergies. they are the bane of my existence.

hope you're feeling much much better!
Happy Tuesday, love!
Came home from work early today 'cuz I was sick. Food allergies FTW. Went to bed when I got home, and just now woke up. Figured since I was up I may as well look at some sexy pics of naked women, so here I am. At least I am feeling better after sleeping for eight hours, though I don't know how I am going...
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eek! I have a ton of food allergies too!
what are you allergic to? Do you feel better now?
I should be in bed, but for some reason I am wide awake. I have to be up in 5 hours to get to work, and I am too damn old to be staying up late and getting up early.

Fuck it I will take a melatonin pill and see what effect it has. My wife got them to help her sleep, now I will...
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How'd the sleeping pill work?
Hope work today is alright!
yes i will =)
GGGRRR! Now wife wasn't feeling good today, so no home state site seeing. Hopefully next weekend.

I can't believe its Sunday already, time to go back to work tomorrow... mad
Hope work was alright today!
Sorry to hear about the lack of sightseeing! Hopefully next weekend!

Loves! xx
Well I feel better now. Trying to plan a day trip somewhere with the family tomorrow. There are so many beautiful places in this state to see though, what to do, what to do. Hell, may just go for an extended drive and site-see.
You are so very awesome!
I can't thank you enough for all your love and support!

Happy sightseeing, darlin'!
Gaahhhh! I woke up this morning with a sore throat and glands that feel like they are starting to swell. This sucks I have plans for this weekend! mad
I hope you don't get any sicker. Feel better. *hugs*
Work was better today, but I am not so sure if this place is right for me. Very corporate, and everything revolves around how much money we can bring in...

But I have a new challenge, and I hope to see it through.
good luck!
and thanks for all the support, sweetheart! I loves you!

The challenge is to get your set accepted. You will always have my full support. smilekisssmile