Thats epic! Im going to keep my fingers crossed I can find a hoop like that here! I love Florida! you guys have such fab weather! Im actually coming down south to Tampa and Orlando in April! COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS
They sell these in the grocery store near my house and I thought it would make an appropriate valentine for all the awesomely cool-sexy-amazing-fabulous hot girls I know in SG land
My best friends died just died. He shot himself in the head in front of his 2 yearold and baby mama. It's... disappointing. I don't know if I'm more angry or sad about this. How can someone be selfish enough to off themselves when they have so much! Having a beautiful family should be more than enough reason... Read More
So I have been working out like crazy. I fucking love it. I've been watching what I eat, how much I eat, walking everyday, situps and crunches everyday, and most of all, HULA HOOPING!
My New Years resolution was to exercise every single day. I got myself a calendar to help mark off and keep track. So far, I have made it to this very... Read More