Well, today was the day of the Polar Bear plunge! Its been over 6 hours and I'm still frozen stiff! XD Great time though!
Scrimmage night! Nsoing for a bunch of awesome chicks skating their heart out and knocking each other out of the way! I MISS MY SKATES!!!love
Holy hell! I am horrible at this blogging thing! IT HAS BEEN ALMOST A YEAR! I've been on, just lazy! XD Hope everyone is well!
hi. You're cute smile
Alright, sugery was almost a week ago exactly. Everything went smooth, I left the hospitol the same day. I've spent the last week mostly in bed with my awesome hubby getting me ice packs and making me fruit smoothies! love I still hurt standing up though often, sitting, functioning in general but I go back to work tomorrow. Hoping I've got enough pain meds till I...
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Surgery next Wednesday. So many months of pain and it was my gallbladder. I'll be so happy when this is all over! surreal
How are you feeling love? Hope all went well!!
Still aching, but I have some good meds to help fend it off! Everything did go great, can't wait to heal up now! <3
Computer busted again, idiots at work, another doctor apt tomarrow, and my raise still hasn't gone through....after 2 months. The only girl having a worse day appears to Selina Kyle on the tv! whatever Anyone got good news to make these days go better?
Shit! I'm lazy!
Pushing so hard to help promote Romero's Fix the Chapel, only 3 days left! Were trying to help save the chapel shown in the beginning of Romero's Night of the Living Dead. $50,000 needs to be raised to preserve this film landmark! Any help spreading the word in these last days is much obliged! Hoodies, shirts, props, lots of items up for...
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Still running about. Wedding is in two days only and there is so much to do! I just wanna sit and crash with my xbox! XD
Apparently, while here I thought I was not overly stressed and actually quite calm for the time being-my body decided otherwise. My stress levels have caused another thyroid imbalance and my hair started falling out again. I start all my pills again and special shampoo tomorrow. This happened once before and did clear up, but took almost a year. *Slams head on desk!*mad
Haven't been on much. Just got over being horribly sick, and were still speed planning for our wedding in September. All I want is for the heat to break and we get some breeze here soon! XD