It has been so long since I've been here, but I've been thinking of this place recently. 14 years, so much has happened since then. My last entry was about going on a study abroad trip to Costa Rica the summer of 2011. Well, I did it! It was a good experience and something I wouldn't get the chance to do again. I graduated from...
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Blah blah blah. School's been going well. We got a new GM at work recently. Changed a lot of things, but overall it hasn't been too bad. Things are a lot more organized it seems, but everything is in a different place so it's just been a ride trying to get used to the changes.
Been thinking about participating in my university's Costa Rica program...
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Been thinking about participating in my university's Costa Rica program...
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Work was killer this weekend. I spent about 25 hours between Sat and Sun, which made me feel like I lived there. At least someone brought candy on Sunday which significantly helped me get through the last half of the shift with a major sugar rush, although I came down off of it well before my shift ended.
Now, a few days off to relax,...
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Now, a few days off to relax,...
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Holy Shit! Welcome Back! Good to see you again!
Sorry I have'nt been on in awhile....just have'nt been in a websurfing state of mind. Mostly been playing WoW...but I'm played out on that too. Guess I'm experiencing ennui...Oh well.
Good to see you back. Keep in touch.

Sorry I have'nt been on in awhile....just have'nt been in a websurfing state of mind. Mostly been playing WoW...but I'm played out on that too. Guess I'm experiencing ennui...Oh well.
Good to see you back. Keep in touch.
So my business stats teacher is pretty terrible. I knew from the start of the semester that she's scatterbrained and doesn't have a great grasp on what's she's doing, but I figured her just looking over the material before her lesson would be adequate enough of a refresher, right? Well, that's not the case. She's made constant mistakes throughout the semester, but today, boy, well,...
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Happy Birthday!! 

I saw a documentary recently called The Cove and was blown away by its message. Over 20,000 dolphins and porpoises are slaughtered in Taiji, Japan every year. The end is one of the most powerful scenes I've seen in any movie, whether it be a scripted film or a documentary. There were many beautiful scenes in the movie which I was heartened by, but then...
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I have been making a solid attempt at rolling my Rs these last few days, yet so far I've had no luck. It's been a difficult task for me, and I remember now why I pretty much gave up each time I've tried before this. Hopefully, I'll be able to do it with enough practice. I've read conflicting accounts of genetics being an issue with...
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Well, I recently got an email giving me a 3-month subscription for free in the hopes that I will continue to subscribe after that free period is over, so I'm back, at least temporarily. I hope I have the time to make use of this fully, but I've been busy with school, as I'm now strictly taking major-related classes so they're a bit more important...
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I figured I might as well add a new post since it has been three months since I last posted. Things have been going okay. I get a two week vacation coming up soon, although I don't know if I want to take the entire two weeks or just one and cash the other week in instead. I suppose the money couldn't hurt, and one...
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Yeah...this site is pretty great, isn't it. I have to say, it's actually helped me open up.
I used to go canoeing and rafting as a kid with our youth group, but we never went on the spring river. The only advice I can offer is "plan on getting matter what, it will happen"
Other than that, just remember to keep the blade of your paddle all the way in the water when you stroke so that you get the full power out of your stroke.
Have a blast!
I used to go canoeing and rafting as a kid with our youth group, but we never went on the spring river. The only advice I can offer is "plan on getting matter what, it will happen"
Other than that, just remember to keep the blade of your paddle all the way in the water when you stroke so that you get the full power out of your stroke.
Have a blast!
So I was thinking about this movie today about a guy named Gus. I don't remember much about him other than he was bald. Apparently, he was interested in this girl who wasn't interested back, so he had a makeover of sorts and came back to her as a different person to woo her over. I thought the name of it was "Gus," but apparently...
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It's funny that you should mention that movie.
I'm watching it right now on one of the encore channels.
And the name of it currently is "The Boyfriend School". At least that's what it's listed as on the menu, and how it's titled on the DVD I bought a couple of years ago. Though, you are right. When it was originally released, it was called "Don't Tell Her It's Me".
I found all this out when I tried to find the movie on DVD years ago. This movie's always been one of my faves.
I'm watching it right now on one of the encore channels.
And the name of it currently is "The Boyfriend School". At least that's what it's listed as on the menu, and how it's titled on the DVD I bought a couple of years ago. Though, you are right. When it was originally released, it was called "Don't Tell Her It's Me".
I found all this out when I tried to find the movie on DVD years ago. This movie's always been one of my faves.
Registered for classes for the fall today.
Intermediate Spanish I
General Chemistry I and its lab
Intro to Financial Accounting
Business Cal
Should be an interesting semester. Found out I have about $700ish worth of vacation pay at work. That means I can take a couple weeks off if I like. Wonder when I should do that... hmmm.
Intermediate Spanish I
General Chemistry I and its lab
Intro to Financial Accounting
Business Cal
Should be an interesting semester. Found out I have about $700ish worth of vacation pay at work. That means I can take a couple weeks off if I like. Wonder when I should do that... hmmm.
The Horrorpops are playing at Vino's May 11th. That's super exciting. I've been a fan for a few years but didn't think I'd get the chance to ever see them live. Definitely looking forward to that show. Hopefully nothing goes wonky and makes me miss this one!
School has been going all right. Outside of school, there has been nothing interesting to talk about really....
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School has been going all right. Outside of school, there has been nothing interesting to talk about really....
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Yeah, I think Blizzard Entertainment has some sort of hacker-mole secretly working in their company. It turns out that alot, and I mean alot of accounts get hacked and stolen everyday. Hell, mine was hacked last year and I hardly ever play. Fortunately, they caught it and froze my account until I could get everything straightened out. And I purposely left it frozen for awhile. I did'nt want to reactivate my account, only to have it stolen by the same hacker trying to get it back. So I gave him some time to give up on it.
Happy Earth Day!

Well, I didn't end up going to the AKAs show because my friend ended up having to work even though he requested off over a month in advance. I couldn't find someone else to tag along on such short notice, so I just stayed home and did productive school wok since I didn't feel like making the road trip by myself. I would've liked to...
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Well, my friend, you're not going to be able to stop the birthdays. They'll keep just rolling by no matter what you do, so you might as well try and enjoy them as much as you can and make the best of them. Just think of it as being glad to have lived one more year rather than beind depressed about getting older.
Either way, Happy Birthday!!! (very belated
Sorry I have'nt commented in so long. I've been kinda AWOL from SG here of late. Only checking every once in a whille, y'know.
Enjoy the phone. Looks Sweet! It's kinda like the Blackberry, isn't it?
Either way, Happy Birthday!!! (very belated

Sorry I have'nt commented in so long. I've been kinda AWOL from SG here of late. Only checking every once in a whille, y'know.
Enjoy the phone. Looks Sweet! It's kinda like the Blackberry, isn't it?
If the new haircut is the one in the profile photo, it's nice.