so.. i need to focus. i need to work on stuff, but i can't. blah. i am the king, the king, i tell you, of procrastination. and... chipotle opens tomorrow, which makes this.... chipotle eve. mmm.

ok. work. maybe.
dude, you should get a nap in before you start work. and maybe look at the internet for a bit. THEN, start work.

maybe whip up a faux puppy stir fry...


surely you must be joking
i never joke, and don't call me shirley

i saw a bumper sticker today that said "bats: you need em more than you think."

and it wasn't a skinhead bumper sticker either. thought of you. you white power, bat loving, glue sniffer.

anyone interested in riding at whistler on the 26-28th? don't wanna ride alone....
coming to portland next weekend.

seeing rocky votolato at meow meow, which i'm excited about. yup.

and.. no more indiana! woo-hoo!
mmm. yet another day in indiana where i've not left the house. i am going nuts. nuts, i tell you.

but... i did see the following funny things today:
anti-bush spots

my new fighting techniuque is unstopable

so. i give up. here's the shit that's been going down:

1: stupid drunk girl pours wine on my ipod, which goes tits up the next day.

2: two days after getting the dig. camera back from the shop, i drop it into a fire and it melts beyond recognition, or at least beyond working.

3: about a week after the camera dies, the...
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hang out we shall! i swear this time! no seriously!

my number is 555-7422B3, call me!

seriously though, when you gonna be in town? for how long? we shall kick it! we shall kick it like it's name was soccer ball!

ah. finally away from the land of work computers, so i can look at the lovely sg again.
hollywood or would she not.

do they keep work computers in the caves? cuz that's where you were the last time we spoke. what's up dude? how ya been?

here i am, five beers and an evening of listening to music alone in my apt later...

another valentines day. fuck. how fun.

"once i was on top of it all"

hang in there, dude...

why does it seem that song lyrics can always express my emotions far better than i can?

...don't wanna spend the rest of my days dreaming yesterdays daydreams...
ok. so here's the deal. i'm trying to figure out how to tell this girl that i like her. i've liked her for a few years, and we're good friends. it would be easy except for the following:

1: she lives about 2000 miles away
2: she has a boyfriend, who she lives with, but is getting ready to move out

she has made allusions...
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happy fuckin' new year.


i watched a few guided by voices songs tonight. and laughed at the chumps that paid $22 to see them instead of just sneaking in like i did.

the only thing i have to say about them: old and boring. made me remember why i've never really liked them.

it sucks to have to explain that in 1994 GBV was a great band that should have retired in 1996.
not entilrely sure i'd call them a great band... they've got, what, 3 good songs?

they are old and boring, tho.