i hate everything right now. how can the perfect girl think so highly of me, and then leave and date someone esle. i just want it to work, this time. i need her so much closer...
so. i never get to look at sg anymore. i work for the federal government, and my only access is through work. federal government internet and sg don't mix.
so. i'm in la again. staying in expensive hotels. with a beautiful girl. who, when not around her friends, likes me a lot. when with her friends. it seems not so much. what the fuck.
ah. LA again. for my best friend's birthday. good party. fun times. and then, shit hits the fan for him at work, his computer gets stolen, and instead of hanging with me and dino, he's working. that sucks. but there are so many cute girls to look at here, it makes it almost worth it all.
ok. visited my friend dino tonight. 1.76 gig of new music later, i find myself rocking out to the first avail record. talk about flashbacks. those were the days....
stress. i think that's all that is constant in my life right now. i hate mississippi. i'm stuck here for a few weeks. i want to go back to work, and sit on my fucking ass, drink a beer, and watch the sunset.
so. i'm off to mississippi for a week in a few days. oh, how fun that will be. did i mention that i absolutely HATE mississippi? well. i do. it sucks. but, i've got some business there, and plenty of really good friends. so, it won't be horrible. plus, i can eat at my favourite bagel shop from grad school every day. mmm. they've got... Read More
so. the "project" that i've been working on for the past, oh, month is "done" - or, it's at least out of my hands for a while. so, i should have this huge feeling of relief, right? nope. nada. i actually might be MORE stressed now that i'm just waiting to hear what the response is going to be. aargh.
you! how dare you out me as a fan of anal electrocution!?!? do you know what this will do to my circulation?!?!?! and i mean the magazine, not my lower extremities!!!!!
funny, you left today and the sun came out. fucking indianaites.
hey, let's start a band called "the omega 3". our posters can say "get your recommended daily allowance of omega 3s!"
saw monster tonight. great film. creepy at times, but great. and... christina ricci in that wifebeater? mmm. me likey. ok, i managed to get NOTHING done this weekend, so it's going to be a long week of hard work.
i wanna go see you got served, wanna go with me? come one! it's the new beat street! and you KNOW what they say about beat street! it's the KING of the beat, and i be rockin' that beat from across the street! uh-huh-huh!
let's get a drinky this weekend. do you drinky? when you leaving town again? i fuggin forgot bro.