I am so horrifically bad at keeping up with this blog. Started hooping a month ago and it had really helped me center my life and focus on what's important. Started school last monday and really need to keep my nose to the grindstone and remember why I'm here in Iowa. I'm trying really hard to overcome my laziness and be successful this semester. The...
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Center and focus is good, hope the positive changes keep coming
My life is so perfectly great right now. I feel things I only thought existed in fairy tales! He makes me tingle in places I didn't know you could. I know feel free to go throw up now. Hope all is well with the rest of you!
Things are ok, nothing like you, but I'm ok 

Who woulda though . . . someone new to make me smile . . . can't wait for love this weekend! It's gonna be off the hook!
awww thanks guys!
Yay for love, and your adorable
I really like writing letters and getting things in the mail besides bills and I'm sure there are other people out there like me as well. Thus I have decider to start a project. I'm going to mail letters and postcards to people at random. If you would like a letter or a post card send me a message with your address and I'll add...
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P.S. I'll totally send things internationally as well! That makes it even more fun!
I love the written word too
I post my blogs handwritten (usually, just not recently because I have lots of holiday pics to post)

Hey all. I finally have a moment to breath! I have been crazy busy the last few months doing all kinds of crazy things. I think it would take ages to fill you in on all the details so I'll just give you the high lights.
*I met a boy and had my heart broken
*Visited san diego over spring break
*Got a new tattoo,...
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*I met a boy and had my heart broken
*Visited san diego over spring break
*Got a new tattoo,...
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*I met a boy and had my heart broken


The Adult Swim version is heavily edited. It's a damn shame. It's soooo good in its original form. If you're going to Prom, you may see some serious shit.
Can't tell you more. Might spoil it!
Can't tell you more. Might spoil it!

Follow me on twitter arsenic_suicide I'm private because i don't want this one asshole following me but I'll accept if you send me a message! Thanks and look forward to following you all as well. I'll update soon! I've been very busy with a new boy! Tell you all about ir soon.
whats twitter ? is it like facebook ? i created account just to make sure i wasnt missing out on the latest internet craze !
My life has been crazy busy! I had a good Thanksgiving, drove down to San Diego with my sister to see the rest of the family. It was fun taking a road trip just me and her . . . it was the first time just us. The conversation was good and I think it goes to show how much she and I have grown...
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....good to hear your still alive lady!
Oh neat - cool to find another Apple-employed SG fan in the area. Anyway, just saying hi!
I had a really awesome halloween! I made 20 gallons of jungle juice and just got really trashed! It was kinda weird cause this guys I liked and haven't talked to since he stood me up showed up to the party and that was kinda awkward. He said sorry and it's fine, but I still like him and wish I didn't cause I know he's...
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cute hair!! .... actually, everyones 

Great Halloween party!
Thanks for the BD wishes.
Thanks for the BD wishes.
I'm back guys. I had a crazy summer and wasn't near a computer for most of it and my iphone isn't a big fan of the SG page. Any how I'll write a blog soon about all my adventures this summer. For now I'm off to SF to party it up with other SG people.
The new job is going really well! Been really crazy with all the training and not having a day off. But I promise to let you all know more details soon. As I become more and more tech savy everyday! I really want a Mac! Maybe mom will help out with the funds for my Birthday which is in less than two weeks! More soon...
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that is flippin awesome

i did, um my favorite was anti-flag 

As you may or may not know today was my last day at Tilly's and I was a very odd day. After four years I decided to move on to greener pastures . . . also known as Apple. I have loved my time at Tilly's and the only reason I'm leaving is to focus on school. Working full time and trying to go to...
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your so kind sweetie thank you!
Time to cheer up *spank*
Here's something to smile about:
Demetri Martin - These are Jokes - My Top 10 Moments

Here's something to smile about:
Demetri Martin - These are Jokes - My Top 10 Moments
I heard a quote tonight and found it struck a chord in me . . . "Sometimes we write the things we can't say" How true that is to me you'll never know and maybe even more true is . . . sometime we write the things were afraid to say. For me anytime it's something really hard or really "scary" I write it out....
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...... we should never be defined, or.... define ourselves by what we do for a living... but rather "what we DO" .... and NEVER defined by who we are with! ........ find another job (or not
), find another friend, find another path..... THATS what makes us who we are. Experience life lady!! Sometimes that means breaking all our old ties....
...... we should never be defined, or.... define ourselves by what we do for a living... but rather "what we DO" .... and NEVER defined by who we are with! ........ find another job (or not

^^^ +1 (Good advice)
Over the last 10 years or so I've accumulated a stack of "undelivered" letters myself. I never really thought very many other people did that. Sometimes it just helps to organize your thoughts and feelings on paper. If you're like me your mind tends to get a little jumbled and overworked as it is. I wouldn't consider writing letters or crying weaknesses though. It looks like you've experienced a lot of change lately and that can be really hard - but you will become a stronger person because of it. If it makes you feel any better I don't have the answers you're searching for either. I think most people do...
Over the last 10 years or so I've accumulated a stack of "undelivered" letters myself. I never really thought very many other people did that. Sometimes it just helps to organize your thoughts and feelings on paper. If you're like me your mind tends to get a little jumbled and overworked as it is. I wouldn't consider writing letters or crying weaknesses though. It looks like you've experienced a lot of change lately and that can be really hard - but you will become a stronger person because of it. If it makes you feel any better I don't have the answers you're searching for either. I think most people do...