feh, my life is boring i have nothing to write about other than its far, far, far too early to be playing christmas music. any estabishment that is playing chirstmas music this early deserves to be bombed. In my world there woldn't even be a christmas, or any holidays for that matter. It would just be one really, really long meaningless existence with no breaks....
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There is filth on my hands. no manner of scrubbing or washing will cleanse me of this disgusting greasy filth. The more I scrub the further this unclean taint spreads infecting every inch of my skin leaving me disgusting festering pile of shit smelling scum. I claw at my skin ripping and tearing the flesh only to see the wretched refuse spread deeper tainting me...
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I'm seriously fed up with these whiny blubbering imbeciles crying over the election. Its only politics its not the end of the world. Get the fuck over it. Fuckers.
You can learn a lot about a person from what they masturbate to. Its like a window into their deepest unvoiced desires. Most of us would be truly ashamed and horrified if everyone suddenly became aware of our perverse taste in smut. Some doors are best left shut and in the privacy of our homes a true demon is allowed to walk free if only...
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I sincerely hope you fuckers choke on your Halloween candy.
Seriously, when you're up to your eyeballs in shit the last thing you need is for someone to toss you bouquet of roses. The contrast is just too stark. The sweet smelling roses only serves to remind you of how foul the shit you are currently drowning in reeks. You can only fight shit with shit. Bigger and smellier shit. Ya thats the ticket. Fuck...
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"You are not responsible for what your friends do, but
you will be judged by the company you keep.". ~ Leonard Cole
It is distressing to me to what I would deem to be a somewhat respectable person (a rare find in this decrepit landscape of metaphysical decay) consorting with the most vile and unpleasant of scum one is likely to encounter. This instantly lowers...
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you will be judged by the company you keep.". ~ Leonard Cole
It is distressing to me to what I would deem to be a somewhat respectable person (a rare find in this decrepit landscape of metaphysical decay) consorting with the most vile and unpleasant of scum one is likely to encounter. This instantly lowers...
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So it turns out its impossible (unless you're a female) to get laid without actually trying to do so. This may in fact be news to everyone but me. Who would have imagined that a misanthropic recluse with no social skills wouldn't have women crawling all over him? Go figure. Its better off this way, sex/intimacy is highly overrated and a huge waste of time,...
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bloody hell
well well well, look who came crawling back...
Goodbye curel world.
going somewhere are you?
Over a quarter of a century ago today two most unremarkable individuals consumed by their own selfishness and lust joined together in an unholy union that begot the most heinous and ghastly creature yet known. No one asked him if he wanted to be born. Had he known how useless and wretched his life would turn out to be he would have torn himself free...
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happy birthday.
i think everyone has those feelings on their birthday. I did.
i think everyone has those feelings on their birthday. I did.