yup, I'm helping with a musical for the school (because I don't have enough to do)

It's the Music Man, that's where this song comes from biggrin
It's ok, I can say that... I'm black.

Also, when did you pick favorite SG's?
I broke down

I've got a myspace page now. I'm going to be using it to keep track of/ keep in contact with my kids. I'm interested to see how many friend requests I get ooo aaa
Yeah, no chance in hell on getting one from me. I loathe MySpace. I will be your real life friend though. Lollerz
Just because I didn't think I was doing enough

I've taken on the advisorship of a club- I'm now the advisor to the newly formed martial arts club. This are still going decently, I mean let's face it- anytime I can say

I believe that people should be able to get plastic surgery, that way your outer appearance resembles your inner appearance- fake

and it...
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Things are going well

The first term is now officially over. I now have a shit ton of correcting to do. What's a shit ton. Well, it's a unit of measure that you can use to reflect upon the amount of "shit" that you must do. Not to be confused with a "mf" of force- of which I can exert roughly double than most people...
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I'm told I need to update often...

though I don't know why, there's all of one person that reads this shit.

I just got through a version of hell week, and to think it was only 4 days. It was homecoming

Monday off- Columbus day- w00t for teaching schedules

tue- 18 hr day. teach during the day then stay all day to have my class...
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Meatober? What about Meatember ?
that barbeque sounds like heaven.
Things have changed

just when things were looking like I was going to take a year or more off from teaching, I did the impossible. I got a job.

I completely forgot I sent a resume to this school system, but they called me one tue and asked if I could come in the next day. I told them I couldn't as I was working...
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... told you not to post it.

Mostly because while 99% of the people could think it's funny, it's the 1% that don't and have a problem with it that will post...
Hmmm... come to think of it, I did change my mind, didn't I. Oh well, like you said, fuck'em.
Still don't have a bloody job

well, I correct that statement, I still don't have a teaching job. it's really beginning to piss me off- just like it always does at this time of year. FUCKING PISSED.

I have to start thinking of other things I can do that will make the same amt of pay because this shit is ridiculous.

Also- to correct the...
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So, Boxcar Willie got the ol' Colombian Necktie?
Had a feeling this was going to happen

Called the school yesterday, talked to the coach- I didn't get the job. Apparently they went with someone that has subbed there for a while.

I hate this

I haven't heard back from the school yet- should I call them tomorrow to see what the deal is? OR should I just chill


oh, and Maine Forest went well for the team- 2nd in class. Only destroyed 2 rims, and by destroyed, I mean destroyed.

pictures cant be seenhere. He does a great job, real pro.

Look for the...
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Call them.
I'll send the karma around your way....

Any leads on positions?
Something fun for you to do while you have a day off

vomit. I feel like ass. I haven't eaten anything all day toady- well except a thing of OJ. I'm supposed to work in Oxford tomorrow, I'm not sure if that's going to happen. I leave for the Maine Forest Rally in 3 days. Hopefully my immune system is it's kick ass self and...
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Are you sick? You know, if you stay home this weekend, CoV is having it's first Double XP weekend... and me with a 3 year old computer.
Time will tell

interview is all over. The principal said I brought a lot of good things to the table. The coach was pretty quiet, but I'll get into that in a little bit. The principal and I were talking about something he had seen in my portfolio when an ambulance call came in, so I left rather dramaticallysmile

over 50 applicants, 8 interviews

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