I hear the Strike May Not Be Over..I heard this Tonight...Didn't you know that Fox 5 News is on top of the latest stories in the Metro Area...Bahahahaha..
+Ipods have feelings too. you just need to put it on shuffle to figure out what those moods are. If my ipod were a person, it would most likely embody this... Read More
OMG I said FOOD....rotflol. I'm not feeding your vegan delusions. You are like my ex from Reed's roommate Caitlin. maybe...nah. I'm mailing Missy your care package with instructions so you don't make xmas decorations with them.
what i've been up to/ reasons i dont update:
:My favorite person just came back from Atlanta, and i've missed him
:I lost 10 pounds, because im broke and bummed out
:I got my tooth ripped out, and am currently spitting out blood clots
:The ice skating rink i got to, is closed for 15 more days
:The left ear piece to my headphones died,... Read More
wow u get a lot of comments. just wanted to say your house looks really fun! and being told not to hang out with archived girls is definitely ridiculous.: have a sweet day!