Whew, gin, absinthe, and pizza are a rough combo. Gotta watch that in the future. puke
It strains and strangles his throat, to scream as loud as he does.
He feels blood and bile and acid reaching up and burning the cuts. It hurts, and burns, and won't stop godsdammit it won't stop and he can't either, screaming, his eyes watering, the tears vibrating with the sheer sonic power bellowing up from his gut.
And it's only one long, loud, nonstop,...
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Feeling pretty restored from the long weekend thus far, went out last night, had a spot of spicy, sweet dinner, then drove around with the smell of blackpowder and the thin haze of smoke that hung over everything while the moon blinked against the explosions in the sky.
Reconsidering certain modes of my life and how I'm pursuing them: 1) My impatience towards certain achievements,...
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Wow, well, go figure. The one weekend where I've got an endless line of options in terms of things to do, and all I want to do is sit on my ass in my room and get on line/sleep. There must be something seriously, horribly wrong with the universe.
Or maybe I'm just the sort of person who feeds off of their own bitching.
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we all have our moments to shine
or be assholes
sometimes ya just dont feel it ya know?
Oooooooooooooh-kay, looks like, this week, I meet with my friend Kate to start discussing the installation piece that we're going to be putting together, I'll meet the lady that wants to produce it, and maybe some of the gallery owners that Kate knows, and then we'll start working towards setting it up! It's pretty exciting, as I've always wanted to contribute to gallery art, but...
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Very exciting indeed. Congrats!
Well, fairly uneventful weekend, Friday consisting of what this coming Friday will mirror, namely: getting drunk with friends. Saturday, nabbed some new kicks, some mustard, and a very soft t-shirt, then spent all of Sunday watching anime that I had borrowed from one of my house-mates.
Feel free to begin envying me now.
I did the drunk...to drunk thing so no envy
bibbity bobbity boo
I am currently rather moody, because while ask to make a coffee run for my employers, I got whipped cream from one of the frappacinos on my freshly dry-cleaned crushed-felt blazer, in which I was looking extremely spiffy today. As though to rub the matter in, I now have to go and pick up my bosses dry-cleaning and return it to her.
Most frusterating, really....
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Jeeeeeeeeeezus, I've been so tired this week. I can't really figure out why, but I have learned that the rumor I heard about eating walnuts to get an energy boost is, apparently, true.
I've officially given up on dating.
Not out of some sense of despair: that never stopped me in the past. No, I just realized how idiotic the whole idea of "going out on dates" is. It tries to force something that should come naturally. So, instead, I've decided just to try to meet as many people as possible, and let things happen naturally. And yes,...
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Going out on dates/dating is weird to me. I'm not sure why, it's just....Ugh.

Also, thank you!
never give up, never surrender!

you read comics and go to town and country, it's be weird if we hadn't run into each other at some point.
Alright, lets talk about me. Here I sit, sipping a lovely rose in my kitchen, hammering out my latest journal entry after a lovely day of living like some rich Los Angeles affluent (or effluviant, depending on your politics) and really, the rose sums it all up, the whole day: It's rare that I find one that I care for, and when I do, I...
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Ahhh, it is refreshing to have a real job again, after all this time. Some small shred of routine, with the added bonus of now knowing where my checks are going to be coming from, I feel pretty decent.
It's a good job too, the people are friendly, it's for a film company, I get a lot of down-time, which allowed me to finish an...
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