Let's see.... new job is fun and keeps me busy but it's alot better than my past jobs...
Had court for a BS citation tuesday, but it was thrown out reaaaaaaaaal quick...so good week so farsmile

Anxious to work with Ami and Macio later this month... if things go well and as plannedsmile Both are beautiful and hope their sets get accepted.

well will update...
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Thanks for the comments on my declined setwink smile

Kisses kiss kiss
Thanks! kiss wink
long weekend ... nothing special ... update soonsmile
hi, again.
Started a new job last thursday.. easy but hard work. full time,benefits,401, work 6am- 3pm... and have weekends offsmile can't beat itsmile

Had the psycho ex bugging me today trying to argue... but set things straight and won't hear from her again. biggrin

My New York visit in March is now shot but oh well going up in July still.


boring updatesmile will update again...
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Congrats on the new job! smile
Damn what a weekend...

*Friday : Bunch of bull with my dispatcher and now looking
at going to another job.
*Saturday: Got a citation for giving alcohol to minors even
though i didn't bring it.. I just happened to be the
only one that was 21 at the gathering.. it really
fucking sucks.. but should be getting things
dismissed since i have 15 witnesses going....
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*Job still sucks
*talked to a friend in NY I haven't seen in forever
*Talked to a lovely girl Starrbee, and can't wait
to work with her.Everybody give her a holler.
*Had a company that liked my scenic work and they bought 4
of them.
*can't wait to go back home for awhile.
*wished it snow here sometime soon
*life's still boring and...
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so u have the leapord kind...cool cool...i want the Day Gecko..there more rare. how much did urs cost? Can you be my gecko go to person?
Thanks for the compliment on my practice set!

Hope things get better.
Busy busy busy....

What's new...nothing really...work sucks...trying to get back to doing my photowork more often.
Looking forward to going back to New York in march ...hopefully... if not it'll be July...

3 clients this month and possibly a few more... partnering up with a florist friend... and have 2 weddings to do next month... god i hate doing them but the money's good.

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would you like to take some pics for an up and coming sg????? i need a photographer......
let me know
wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink
Weekend sucked... but had some good news... though it sounds bad IS good news...
The guy my ex was messing with behind my back was just using her and told her he didn't care to see her anymore... I guess Karma is a bitch. she wanted to get back with me but....sorry you had your chance and blew it. smile

will update soon... been a very...
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Ahahahaha! That's awesome.

I <3 Karma.

Happy Holidays smile
Well let's see...
GOOD: *talked to 2 people i haven't in awhile (2 years)
*might be flying a friend from NY back here for a
*getting ready to do a bunch of new photos
*i hate the holidays
*i'm done with relationships now
BAD: *work too much
*not with my family again this year for christmas
*work christmas day
*yet another ex cheated on...
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What's new... hmmmm... girl's gone now... too much BS and come to find out she's been messing with someone behind my back for about a month. Oh well not the first time... moved on and happy now so getting back to my old lifestyle.
Updated my website and started doing more photowork. Quit my other job because employers are asses. So working full time at...
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Nothing new really just work and no play...
Worked on my website a bit trying to get it ready for the next few shoots.

Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving... I get the fun of working all daysmile
Bought some more studio lights now broke again how fun...
well will update again soon when my life isn't so boring.

Damn Greensboro Sucks!! frown frown
Working all the time... nothing new. trying to catch up on photo work... update again soon