I spent all day custom making an adapter to make my thesis project operational. I have probibly 20 or so more hours in the machine shop before it is done.

After that, I went to the used CD store and found the Ministry: Tapes or Wrath DVD. It was well worth the 8 bucks to have all the Ministry videos.
I had a great weekend. It was much more relaxing than weekends in the past. I look forward to more time like that.

I installed more speakers and an amp in my car. It makes the trip from Pittsburgh to Cleveland more enjoyable. And since I installed the subs, I have been in a very industrial mood.

Somebody stole my Gargoyles. They're not where I...
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Why would someone steal all the fire extinguishers out of a building and then get caught pushing them down the street in a shopping cart. Because it's FUNNY! biggrin.
Work is going ok.

I spent $600 of corporate money on my thesis today.

I will probibly be working quite a bit of overtime this term. This will work out well for the cashflow situation.
It feels so good to be done with classes.

Back to Cleveland I go.
I was just in Cleveland.. biggrin
To Do list for this week:
3: Sheet Metal Forming Project
4: Dynamic Systems Case Study
7: DS1 Final
8: Hydroforming Presentation
9: Fluid Dynamics Exam
10: Worry about Politics

3 more days of hell.
To Do list for this week:
1: Comparative Econ Final
2: Drama Script
3: Sheet Metal Forming Project
4: Dynamic Systems Case Study
5: Fluids Project
6: Romania vs USA Economic Essay
7: DS1 Final
8: Hydroforming Presentation
9: Fluid Dynamics Exam
10: Worry about Politics
Project, test, project, test, term paper, lab report.

That is all I have done lately.

I plan on getting some relaxation time tonight. I am hosting Alternative Music Night in the basement. It should be a fun time.

One week left of this hell. Then I can move back to Cleveland.
Thank you for the b-day wish. smile
Only a couple of orginals. Most were mix CDs. frown I am hoping to get some B-day money so I can buy back some of my old CDs. I will call my insurance tomorrow and see if there is anything they can do.
Off to Pennsylvania today.

600 miles round trip will be the longest beer run I have ever went on.
I have been so sick lately. Last night I thought I was going to die. Baking in the sun while flying a kite yesterday probibly did not help much.

Homework sucks. That is what I have been doing for the last 2 hours, and will continue to do for the next 2.

Internet Radio rocks. I reccomend Nocturnal Radio on shoutcast. They broadcast in 128kbps...
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I also recommend IPM Radio, New Detroit Radio, Radio Nosferatu, and Liquid Gothic...
Ooh, I like Nocturnal Radio. Now that I have a connection that will play it.. love
I had an awesome busy weekend. I saw Siouxsie. The show was awesome, but did not meet my expectations. It would have been much nicer if they had a person that could play Steve Severin's part, but they did not have any bass player. But overall, it was just plain awesome to live the dream of seeing Siouxsie live.

Six hours after the concert, I...
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Current Music: The Mission - Evangeline

Things are going fast. I did a thorough cleaning of the K-car since I am letting my friend borrow it for a while.

I am really excited for so many reasons. First off, This school term is quickly coming toward the end. Secondly, I am going to see Siouxsie tonight. Most importantly, I am going to visit MissMandy in...
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I'm going to see Siouxsie on the 11th. I can't wait.