It was a huge mistake
I knew it would happen
You are too alike
Too pretty, Too easy going, Too smart
What interest you also interest her
So now your interest is her
I saw how she caught your eye
How your preferred her voice and laugh over mine
All your attention focused on her
How could you not ?
For what I know of...
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I knew it would happen
You are too alike
Too pretty, Too easy going, Too smart
What interest you also interest her
So now your interest is her
I saw how she caught your eye
How your preferred her voice and laugh over mine
All your attention focused on her
How could you not ?
For what I know of...
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Watching the Valentino documentary really inspires me. He has such a love for beauty and passion for his art. It goes way beyond just looking good but the movement of the dress and how it makes the owner feel. He is going to be remembered like Chanel and Pucci
Hey, Happy Birthday!!! 

I refuse to turn on the TV! I am trying to ween myself off this habit I have developed recently. I have never been a big tv person but with hulu plus and netlix on my xbox, I find myself watching the boob tube for hours!
It was sucking away my time and creativity!
Since I started this less TV practice, I have been my...
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It was sucking away my time and creativity!
Since I started this less TV practice, I have been my...
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just followed u on twitter =)
sign me up
Hopeful Set
I write sketch comedy! Here is one I wrote a few months ago
(Linda is standing at the bus stop. She keeps looking at her watch because her bus is running late. While she is preoccupied with her tardy bus, a handsome man dressed in all back is slowly approaching her from behind. He lets out a almost silent hiss that reveals his fangs. Linda...
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(Linda is standing at the bus stop. She keeps looking at her watch because her bus is running late. While she is preoccupied with her tardy bus, a handsome man dressed in all back is slowly approaching her from behind. He lets out a almost silent hiss that reveals his fangs. Linda...
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you need an editor
3 hour naps are the best luxury