
I wrote my Human Osteology (Bones) exam. we had to identify some immature bones, including some unfused ones, and I was totally not expecting that. But we didn't have to do anything with the shaft of the fibula, which is good.

But we're done! And me and my friends are getting drunk tonight! Go alcohol!
Today I wrote my CRM exam and my bio lab exam. The bio one was easy, it was just a fifteen question spot test. The CRM one was a lot harder. I had to write three essays, and I knew a lot, but I'm not sure if I knew enough. I just sort of wrote down everything I could remember.

I've never explained it, but...
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Just wrote my biology midterm, CRM midterm and bio lab exam tomorrow. I am so not ready for any of this.
Day 1 of hell week is over now. I wrote both a geology midterm and a geology lab exam today. The midterm I felt went okay, it was just multiple choice, but the lab exam I'm a little iffy about. There was some stuff I was just guessing at.

My friend in the class is very upset at how she did on the exam. She...
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I haven't posted anything here in a while. School has been getting busy, and I'm procrastinating by just writing this. But it's been two weeks since my last update, so I thought I should at least poke my head up and let people know I am still in fact alive.

Next week is going to be hell. I have three midterms and three lab exams...
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You know, I haven't written anything in a while. It's Saturday afternoon, I'm procrastinating, so I think I'll give you all a little insight into Nanshiirite society. I've already given you a look at the Babaese and the Varibs, So I guess it's time to finish the trifect

Nanshiir, sex, the Creator, statues, and why women rule the world

When I first started creating...
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Hehe sorry tongue *squishes*
well duh.

a pink one with a tiara on top, right? wink
I had an ultrasound of my abdomen this morning. My doctor just wanted to see if there was anything visible that could be causing my elevated liver enzymes. I won't know for a few days, but the tech that did the ultrasound gave me an unofficial thumbs up.

How was your day?
Good luck! smile
Well, no more girl anymore. She felt that starting a relationship with me would be a very bad idea, so we called it quits. This was her first attempt at a relationship since high school, and I think she might just be a little gun shy.

She didn't rule out the possibility of something happening in the future, which I have mixed feelings about. I...
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dork smile

girls are evil and useless anyway... and i'll give you a dollar if you can find a truly stable one haha
I'm back in classes now. They seem pretty good, and I'm really looking forward to them, even if a few of them look to be a bit intensive.

My friend just got back yesterday. She was in Israel for 5 weeks on an archaeological dig, and then she went to Amsterdam for two weeks. It was really good to see her and hear about all...
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argh i need to find some sort of student housing.

i mean, i have a big bed and lots of clothes so a box in someone's yard just won't cut it frown
time to eat spaghetti! then i'm going to take a well-deserved NAP smile
Well, I'm all moved in. I'm in the same hall I was in last year, which kinda sucks, but my room is a little bigger this year. Not by much, It's about a foot wider, but it feels a lot better.

I would post pictures, but there is no battery in my camera, and I have no idea where it's gone off to. I actually...
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I'm moving tomorrow! I can't wait to get back to Saskatoon.

i still love saying that.

and "it'll pass" made me giggle. smile i hope the happiness stays! biggrinbiggrinbiggrin
xD have fun moving