Inspiration. Now theres a word to conjure with.

It was the Oscars this week, and as usual there are a million different opinions out there, this should have won, that should have won. Etc... so forth, so on...

Its no secret that the movies have informed a great deal of my writing, and sometimes, even the things I get up to on a daily...
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complete with three buzzing flies...
Ooooh excited much!!

My Ink Project is live

check us out: http://bit.ly/eQZrqw

I cannot believe that something that was a pipe dream something over three weeks ago is starting to unfold just like that... it's incredible.love
Announcement: From my point of view, life simply does not get better than this.

For a long time now, I have wanted to try out different forms of multi-media presentations. I was talking with a wonderful lady from New Jersey, about my ink, and my idea of making a small presentation with pictures and writing about each of my nine tattoos - new one yesterday,...
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Your project sounds very cool- I cant' wait to hear updates!!
Over the last few days, a solution to my main problem has presented itself. I have started to make connections with people who have the same kinds of vision that I have regarding media/entertainment/writing and publishing, and I am over the moon...

Progress report. Those new year resolutions, you know the ones. The ones that don't last until the third week of January. So amongst my resolutions was the promise to myself to blog more often. Keep my blogs (From Blimp to Bodacious and The Mockingbird more up to date. That has not happened yet, but I am getting more regular here, so One out of Three...
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It's the 21st Century, the world is supposed to be our oyster, it's time to innovate.

This year, along with my growing collection of ink, I have a yoga DVD to promote, and a movie!

I am very excited, this will be a test of ingenuity and social media. There is so much out there, it's hard to know where to start, but I have...
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you are awesome.
This year has been quite crazy. And heading up to the end of the year the worst. New year's resolution is to keep up with the various blogs that I have started but never kept with. This is the year, 2011, lots of work to come, and hopefully profitable.

Anyway. I now have seven tats. Kanji on the inside of my wrists, left says "good...
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Okay... new ink today... OM on my right ankle... EXCITED MUCH... my little birthday pressie to myself.