I just paid 3 TRAFFIC tickets, makes me want a hole in my head. The MAN sucks. Oh well, time for a dirty martini and a re run of Doctor 90210. lol. JUST KIDDING. or maybe im not. No i have a million things to do today, i already did 12 things. I'm moving to miami beach next month so i have alot of things...
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Fridays float my boat, milk my cow, water my flower, spin my record, make my hole in one, hit my home run, flips my switch, squeezes my orange, crushes my ice, burns my cigg, and finally LIGHTS MY FIRE...and pierces my nipples. So yeah mostly its excellent because i dont work. Work sucks. Cant wait to have a job i LOOOOOVE. I like this whole...
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yay for teh weekend !
I had such a looong day today that only three things will make me feel better...Vodka, a new tattoo..or..u guessed it and yes ur mind is in the gutter. Thats the past though its thrusday and im freeeeeeee alll day tommorow to do all the things my mother warned me about. Im moving to south miami beach starting in october, and u KNOW how excited i am about that. My own place, my own rules, my own haven for the unpredictable and of course the predictable. New crib, new Gig...New start. Woooohooo. Ill be fine. I've been looking around this whole sg world..and i have to say its like nothing else ive come across, pretty sweet. i am also currently planning a vacation, why? because i need one...its not easy wearing my shoes, people to see, things to do, problems to solve, love to make, ideas to accomplish, sins to cover up...its busy round here...trust me.
Love u... in ur underware
Love u... in ur underware
My very first blog post, so excited..i would have done this sooner but i've been waiting for the pics to be posted.Sooooooooo I'm over this week, it has gone by sooooo slow. I screwed up my knee this weekend playing rugby with a bunch of my girl friends..Super over it after 3 hours of playing but we ended it with pizza and beer in a...
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I'll get on to customs immediately. Something must be done. Next you'll be playing cricket, drinking beer, um, giving women the vote. It'll be chaos.
I just wanted to welcome you and tell you that you are beautiful! Can't wait for your set to go up.
spank me :p
Go live soon
tickets for going to fast and tickets for going to slow now days...